'be fn fulnefe of finne. dent Dot ors againft the Peliagians to prove that infants had finne in their nature, becaufe they were baptized un- to the remiffion offinnes. To give forne anfwer then to thofe pretended reafons. To the first wee confeffe that nothing can bee toto genere Ncceflârie, and yet finfull : neither is original! fin in that fort neceffary to the nature in it felfe, though to the na- ture in perfonsproceeding from Adam it be necef fry. For edam had free will, and wee in him, to have kept that original! righteoufneffe in which wee were created , and what was to him finfull, was to us likewife, becautè wee all were one in him. Wee arc then to diftinguifh of natu- ral' and necefhary, for it is either primitive and crcated,or confequent and centrac`led necefl'arily : the former would indeed void fin becaufe God doth never firft make things impoilible, and then command them ; but the latter growing out ofmans own will originally, muff not there- forenullifiethe Law of God, becaufe it di(ableth the power of man , for that were to make man the Lord of the Law. To the fecond three things are to be anfwer'd. Firft, I'he finfulneffe of a thing is grounded on its di / proportion tò the Lace of Ged.not to the will of mAn. Now Gods Law fits bounds , and moderates the operations of all other powers and parts,as well as of the will. And therefore the Apofíle complains ofhis finfull concupifcence,even when his will was in a readinefre to clef re the good, and refufe the evil!. Rom. 7. 18. Secondly, no evill luit rifeth or filr- reth, though it prevent the confent of the will,but the will may be efteemed faulty ,not in this that it confènted unto it,but in this,that it did not,as it ought to have done,hin- 2a9 Aug. de peccae. t»errt, retniff 1tb,l.ca ^.16,17, 24,26.28 34.39 ! v. 2 cap.26. 27. 28 1.3. c.k.,le nupe, concu.. pijcent. tib.I. cap, io. lib. s. cap.; 3. co tr. lul.Pclag 1.3. cap 2.3 1:b,6,t. 16.¢á lotte alìis dn'llieif. Fndgeut.de f x_ ,arnat.d. gratia cbrißi. cap. i S. Profpe'r,contr, Col. eap. 18 Yoluntarium aliquid dicirur q,rià e(t a votan. tatBAb aliquo autetn skitter effe aliquid du pliciter. DireFie, quad procedit ab aliquo ix vantum eft Agens, endireCe, ex bec ipj'o quod n rn agit, ftcu r fubme, fie nasia dicitur eQe à 6ubtr»atore, its quantum de¡r flit s guberuando, ,Mc. Aquin. i. 2. qu. 6. ar.3 Peccaium originale e(t volrrsstarium parvuliu voluntate primi pa- rentra...quod foficit adpeeeatutw origtnale, quia non eft perCoua, fd naturæ peccatum. .tivaret. dg dazilGrat.lib.6.d4,44enum,l 5, P der