210 6 Ponti ficii ex hat parte,funt tsovatoribus mfs- d. fliores, qui A- down liipfum priva fl e docent & probant. An_ dr ad. 0 -tbedox. explicat:li(r 3,e17. apud ipfujts Fer- rariex,(, nano, ccntr, gent,d.4, C.3 2. a Fit in Homini lufius ordo na- tura, ut anima fubdaturDee, & Anime caro, Arg,dtciv, Dei lib, 9.c. 4 40.4Wer al" n r -- rrzyTO eisn > óuoia 61 in.9lex. firom.1.6.& padagog. lib, r .c. t 3. b gicut ceeitas cordis -y -» peccatum eg quo in Deum nou tre- dttur, eT {arra peccati qua tor ¡sperbum digaâ animadver /ione punitur, & caf pescaci, cum mali aliquideacicordis errare eornmittitur, ita concupifeeutia tarais, peccatum efl, quia ineßiGliíeobedientìa centra dariaaturn ventis, & pena peccati quia reddcta efl mentis tno- beduntis, & caufa peccati, defeltione con intieutis, c contagione nafcentis. Aug. cont. lut. I b. S. cap ;. brings The SinfuLne! e' of Sinne. der and fuppreflfe it. For the flirrings of lull before the will, is their 14 urpation, and inordinutene(f e, not their na- titre , which therefore the will according to that primi- tive foveraignty which in mans nature thee had o.ighs to reEi;ieond order againe. Thirdly,originallfìn,though to per /on.r it be :lot, yet to the nature it was voluntary, and to the per Cons in Adam as in their common Father, for with them otherwife then in him no covenant could bee made, and even in humane lawcs the Acts of parents can circumfcribe their children. To the third , wee utterly deny that God did take a. way originali righteoufneffe from an but he * Threrrit away himCelfe; God indeed with -holds it, and doth not obtrude againe that upon us which wee rejaE}ed Before, but he did not fnatch it away,but man in finning did nul- lifie it to himfelfe.For what was righteoufneffe in Adam, but a Perfect and univerCall real tude, whereby the whole man was fweetly order'd by Gods Law, and within him - felfe; now Adams finne having fo many evils in it as it had,pride,ambition, ingratitude, rr;bbery, luxurie, idola- trie, rnurther, and the like, meedes mull that finne fpoile that originali righteoufneffe which was and ought to be univerfall. Secondly, we grant that originali finne is not onely a fault, but a punlfhment too ; but that the one of thefe fhould deftroy the other% wee utterly deny ; for which purpofe wee may note, that a punifhment may bee either by God in fliiFíed in its whole beeing ; or by man in the fubftance of the thing contrntled , and by God in the penal' relation which it carries ordered. It is true, no pu- nifhment from God infliEted upon man can bee in the fùbflance of the thing finfull, but that which man