The Sinfulnefe of Sinne. brings upon hinifelfe as a finne Gods wifdome may or. der to be a pnnifhment too. When a prodigall fpends his whole eítate upon uncleannefhe,is not his povertie both a finne and a punifhment ? When a drunkard or adulterer brings difeates upon his bodie,and drownes his reafon, is not that impotencie and fottifhnefl'e, both Panne and pu- nifhment ? did not God punifh Fharaoh with hardneffe of heart, and the gentiles with vile affe &ions ? and.yet these were fìtines as well as punishments. oTo expedite this point in one word as I conceive of it.Two things are in this finne, Privation of Gods Image, and loft or habitu- all concupiience. The privation is, in regard of the fir f1 lo fie of righteoufneffe, from "1dam alone,.F by his volun- tary depraving of the humane nature, and excuflion of the image of God ; but in regard of the Continuance of it, fo deficienter, Gods juflice and wifdome bath a hand in it, who as bee is the moll just avenger of his owne wrongs and the moll free difpofer of his owne gifts, fo bath hee in both refpefts beene pleated to with -hold his image formerly reje&ed, and not to obtrude upon ingratefitll and unworthy men fo precious an endowment, of which the former contempt and indignitie had juflly made them ever after deftitute. Concept cence wee may con - ceive both as a diforder, and as a penalties Confider it as a puni/hment, and fo though it bee not by God cffe&ed in nature, (for he tempteth no man, much leffe loth hee corrupt any) yet is it ftibjec`1 to his wifdome and ordi- nation, who after hee had beene by Adam forsaken, did then forfake him likewise, and give him up intothe hand of his owns counfell,leaving him to tranfmit upon others that feminarie of uncleanneffe, which himfelfe had con- tra&ed. Confider it as a vice, and fo we fay that luff, or flefli doth not belong to the parts as fuck or fuch parts, but is the difeafe of the whole nature, either part where- of though it doe not equally descend from Adam, yet may lice juftly bee cfteem'd the Father and Fountaine of F 2 the