Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

cite Vanity of the Creture! tions that the Creature could minifter unto him, Salomon here , the molt experïencedfor inquirie , the aloft wife for contrivance , the moll: wealthy for compaflîng Inch earthly delights, hath, after many yeeres f fting out the ffnell floure, and torturing nature to extra& the moll: exquifite fpirits, and puref{ quinteffence, which the varie- ties of the Creatures could afford , at laft pronounced of them all ,. That they are Vanity and vexation offpirit Like thornes, in their gathering they prick, that is their Vexation, and in their burning they fuddenIy blaze and wafie away , that is their Vanity. Vanity in their du- ration, fraile and perifhable things ; and vexation in their enjoyment , they nothing but mole' and difquiet the heart. The eye, faith Salomon, is not fatisfied with feeingg, nor the eare with hearing: Notwithfianding they bee the widefi of all the fenfes, can take in more abundance with lefle fatiety , and ferve more immediately for the fupplies of the reafonable Soule , yet a mans eye - firings may even crack with vehemencie of poring, his Bares may bee filled with all the variety of the moil exquifite founds and harmonies, and le6tuxes in the world, and yet Rill his Soule within him bee a s greedy to fee and heare more as it was atfirft. Who would have thought that the fa- vour of a Prince , the adoration of the people , the molt confpicuous honours of the court, the liberty of utterly deflroyinghis moll bitter adverfaries, the fway of the Herne and univerfall negotiations of State, the concur - rency of allthe happineffe , that wealth , or hononr , or intimateneffe with the Prince, or Deity with the people, or extremity ïof luxury could afford , would poffibly have left any roome or nooke in the heart of Haman for difcontent ? and yet doe but obferve, how the want of one Iewes knee ( who dares not give divine worfhip to any but his Lord) blafis all his other glories ; brings a damp upon all his other delights, makes his head hang downe, and his mirth wither : fo little leaven was able to R fowre ra._...