Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

212 a *C411e7i7te(4) ry`tOrti Tai Qúa-lC- atd9rrht9yU me; ti io-tCév, xpxEt TóTO its .7m?Hf r aTrityaoqoaú- vn riE,c7r 3a- mv. chry¡ad rp .,fatiech.Hent. z lam. T. 13. *' ,racefcc4f ¡Dei- gn, AA.' i 19P wer escCo,c4,Av px9vpr,ía Tlf -1-14bxat ëpya- 71-4v4e, Chryrß.ad t op. .4ntiocb Ham.4. * Rom. 9.20. t Chro.zi.t- z$am. 24.43 The Sin f úlne ffe of Sinne. the whole nature, becaufe though generation doe not make all the materials and parts of nature, yet doth it worke to the uniting of them , and contlìtuting of the whole by them. So then naturali corruption is from A- dam done meritorioufly by reafon of his firft prevarication; from Adam by our parents leminally, and by generation and contagion ; but under favour, I conceive that it is not from the body in the foule , but equally and univer- fally from thç whole nature, as aguiltie, for/aken, and ac- curfed nature , by fome ferret and ineffable refultancie therefrom, under thofe relations of Guilt and curfednefe. This with fubnaiilìon to the learned I conceive in that great queftion touching the penalnefl'e, and traduaiotz of originals concupifcence, referving to others their li- bertie in filch things, wherein a latitude of opinions may confift with she unity offait h and love. But to returne to thole things which are more for pra &ice. This do&rine of originall finne doth dire us in our * humiliations for finne , Ilnewes us whither wee fhould rife in judging and condemning our ¡elves, even as high as our flefhly lulls , and corrupt nature. Let not any rnan fay, faith Saint lames, that he was tempted ofgod; I Shall goe further, Let not any man fay of him felfe by way ofcxcufe, extenuation., or exoneration of.himfelfe, I was tempted of Satan, or of the World ; and who can be too hard for filch eneinies,who can wit Maud Inch ffrong folicitations ; * * Let not any man refolve his finnesinto any other originali then his owne luf }s. Our perdition is totally of our felves , wee are a faulted by many enemies, but it is one onely that overcommeth us,, even our owne flelh Saint Paul could truly fay , * It was no more I that fined ; but did hee charge his finnes therefore upon Sa- tan, or upon the World ? No, though it was not hee, yet it was fomething that did belong unto,him, an inmate, a bofome enernie, even finne that dwelt within him. It is laid, that Satan provoked David to number the people, and yet