Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Sinfulnefe of Sinne. ZI3 yet Davids heart fmote him, é1fe, and did not charge Sa- tan with the finne, becaufe it was the lull of his owne heart that let in and gave way to Satans temptation. If there were the fame minds in to as in Ghrtft, that Satan could finde no more in us to mingle his temptations with- all, then hee did in him, they would be equally fucce(Te leffe ; but this is his greateftadvantage, that he hdth our evill nature to help him, and hold intelligence with him. And therefore wee muff rife as high as that in our hu- miliations for finne : For that will keepe us ever hum- ble, becaufe concupifcence will be ever ftirring in us : and it will make us throughly humble, becaufe thereby (inne is made altogether our ozone, when wee attribute it not to cafualties, or accidentali mifcarriages, but to our nature ; as David did, Ia firne was J jhaped, and in iniquitie did my mother conceive mee. It was not any accident, or ex- ternall tenptation which was the root and ground of thefe my finnes, but I was a tranfgreff our from the wembe, I had the feedes of adulterie and murder fowne in my ve- ry nature, and from thence did they breake forth in my life. When men (hall confider, that in their whole frame there is an imiverfail ineptitude and indifpofition to any good, and large a forwardneffe to all evill, that all their principles are vitiated, and their faculties out of j )yttt, that they are in the wombe as Cockatrice egges, and in the conceptión a feed of Vipers, more odious in the pure eyes of God, then Toads or Serpents are in ours; this will keepe men in more caution againft (inne, and in more humiliation for it. Lafily, from the confederation of this finne wee fhould be exhorted unto thefe needful duties : Firft, to much iea- loufie againft our (elves, not to truft any of our faculties a- lone,nor to be too confident upon prefumptions, or expe- riences of our own ftrength.. Iob would not truft his eyes without a covenant, nor David his mouth without a bri- dle ; fo ftrangely and unexpeEtedly will nature breake P 3 out, lob ;t.t. Pfal.39.r,