z. Pf. tole 3,4,7. Exo. Prov.4.:3. Numt 5.38 Deut.t Prov, 6.zo,tt . The Sinfulneffe of' Sinne. out ¡fit feele it felle a little look, as miy coft a man ma- ny a cry and to re to let imCelfe right againe. Though a Lion Ceeme never fo tame , though the Sea feeme never fo calm:, give them no paffage,keepe on the chaìne, looke 1h11 to the Balwarkes , for there is a rage in them which cannot bee tamed. Venture not on any temptation, bee not confident of any grace received fo as to flacken your wonted zeale, count not your (elves to have apprehended any thing, forget that which is behind, preffe forward to the price that is before you ; and ever tiiifpe& the trea- cherie and tergiverfation of' your owne hearts. lofeph flung oat,and would not trust himfelfe in the company of his Millreífe, He heark:ned not to her to lye by her, or to bee with her, company might eafily have kindled concupif- cence, a little of Satans blowing might have carried the fire from one fticke unto another. `David would have no wickd thing in his h. 91 /?', nor in his fight ; finne is a plague, lace knew how full of ill humours, and feedesof alike evill, his heart was ; how apt to catch every infecti- on that carne neere it, and therefore he Cooke care to de- cline the very objets and examples of finne. God would not ¡infer any people , or monuments of Idolaters to bee fpared , lefl they fhould prove temptations and fnares to his owne people ; and their hearts íhould runne after the like finnes. Keepe thine heart, faith Salomon, with all diligence, never let thine eye bee off from it, hide the word, and the fpirit alwayes in it, to watch it, for there is an adulterer ever at hand to Feale it away. Therefore the Lord would have the Ifraelites binde Ribbands up- on their Fringes,and the La iv on the polls of their doors, that by thofeviuble remembrancers their minder might be taken offfrom other vanities, and the obedience of the Law more revived within them. And Salomon alluding to that cullome thewes the ufe and the fruits of it ; Binde them faith hee, continually upon thine heart, and tye them about thy neck: , make the Law of God thy continuall ornament;