The Sinfulneffe of Sinne, ornament ; when thou goof it _Mall lead thee, when thou fleepeft it fl.'all keepe thee,, when thou arrakeft w it (ball talke, with thee ; in all thy wayes and conditions it (hall be thy fafegard, thy companion, and thy comfort. Secondly, To wazrre and contention againft fo flrong and fo dole an enemie. Our flefh is our Efàu, our elder brother, and we muff ever be wreftling with it. The flefh and the fpirit are contraries , one will ever be on the pre- vailing fide ; and the flefh is never weary nor out ofwork to improve its owne part, therefore the fpirit muff be as fludious and importunate for the Kingdome of thrift. lint you will fay, To what end ferves any filch combat ? is it impof(ible to vanquifh,or to overcome lull ?The Divel may bee put to flight, there is hope in a confli& with him, but luí1 may bee exaíperated by contention, it can- not be fhaken off. To this I anfwer in the generali firf1, that it is our du- tie to fight with finne , and it is Chrif s office and promife to overcome it. Wee muff performe that which hee re-. quireth of us , and truff him with that which hee promi- feth unto us. $elides, by this meanes the body of finne is firft tveakned,though not quite deflroy'd. For as in the 4,4r_4S Leviticall Law, when a fpreading leprofie was in a houle, the Ovals were firft fcraped round about, the duff throwne out, new ftones and new morter put to the old materi- als, and then Taft of all, the houle by the uncurableneffe ofit was broken quite downe, and diffolved : fo in our çrefent leprous and corrupted condition, wee are to de- face, to weaken, to (crape off what wee can of the body of finne, and leave the reft for God to doe when he (hall be pleated to diffolve us. Secondly, It is by this meanes captivated like- Iofh.9.2x. wife, though like the Gibconites, and the c I'foabitifb Nunn. 31.18. maides it bee not Haire , yet it is kept under and fub- I0f1h.17x3. V dued. Thirdly,however, by this meanes it is di fèover'd and it i P 4 is 1 215