Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

216 ¡n renajcentibus remittitur,in pro(aient,bus nrinuitter,in re- `urgentibus tot - two, Aug. contr. ¡titian. lib. 6, cap,16. Heb. 3.1. Hebt 0.3 6, Num.13.39.33 The Sinfulneffe o f Sinne, is a good part of war to know the latitude of an enemies ftrength, to pry into his ltratagers and contrivances. For the knowledge of finne will make us more earneft in mourning for it, more importunatein our prayers againft it, more humble in our confeflions of ir, more unquiet till wee bee acquitted by the blood of Chrift and his fpi- rit, from it, more urgent to lay hold upon the vi(toriesa and promifes of Chrift againft it. This is the fùmme of all and a molt fufhcient encouragement. The grace of Chrift in us will weaken much, the grace and favour of, Chrift unto us will forgive t he re ft, and the power of Chrift at the laft will annihilate all. Thirdly, To p4tience and co,íf?ancie in this fpirituall combat. Wee are befet, and compaffed about with our corruptions, the finne hangs on with much fertinacie, and will not bee (haken off, therefore there is need of pa- tience to run ne the race that is Cet before us, to doe the whole will of God, to hale perpetually our clog after u=, to pull on and drive forward a backflidiag and a revol- ting heart,, to thrutt f }ill before us a fwarme of thoughts and affe&ions through fo many t urnings and temptati- ons as they (hall meet withal'. When the fpies returned from the holy Land, they difheartned the people, becaufe they had fcene giants the fonnes of Anak. fo when. the fpirit of man confiders, I am to enter upon a combat that admits no treatie of peace, or,refpite, with an old man, full of wífdome, fiirnifhed with a whole Armorie of weapons, and with all the fsccours and contributions which principalities, and powers, and fpirituall wicked - racffes can bring in, an eneinie full of defperate rebellion and unwearied rage againft the Kingdome of Chrift in mee : and I find by dayly experience what folles hee gives nice, what captivity he leads me under, how unable I am to hold confli& with but fouie one of his Luf #s, how ttn- i furnifhed with fuch general' ftrength as is requifite to meet fo potent an adverfary ; in this cafe arman will bee very