Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The finfulnefe of finne. ;Z 17 very apt to faint and bee wearied in bis itriving again{] finne. And therefore to encourage and quicken us unto patience, wee mutt not feeke our felves in our felves, nor fix upon the meafitre and proportion of our former gra- ces, butrunne to our faith and hold fait our confidence, which will make us hope above hope, and bee ftrong when wee are wecke : Wee muff looke unto Iefus, an confider firft, his grace which is f rflicient for us, Second - ly, his power, which hath already begunne faith and a good worke in us, Thirdly, his promif which is to finifh it for us, Fourthly,his comp iffion and atlìftance, bee is out Cecond,ready to come in in any danger and undertake the quarrel], Fifthly, his example, bee pafthrough alike contradi&ionoffinners, as we doe oflults, Sixthly, his neerxee,he is at the doore, it is yet but a little while, and he thatfha11 come, will come andwill nót tarry. Seventhly, his (fiery which is in our quarrel] engaged, and in our weak- n. perfected. Eighthly, his reward which\hec brings with him, it is for an eternall weight of glory , . that wee wreflle, Ninthly, his faithfnlncf to all that 6,loud of witnclfes, thofc armies of Saints wh®ni bee hath carri- ed through the fame way of combats and temptations before us, and whole warfare is now accornplifbed. Last- ly, his performances already. Firft, he maketh the combat every day easier then before, our Inner man growes day . by day, the hasp of David is fironQer and flronger, and the heure o fSaul weaker and weaker. And Secondly, as in all other afï lesions, fo in this efpecially he giveth unto us a peaceable fruit of righteoufneffe after wee have beene exercifed in it. But you will 'fay thefe are good encouragements to him that knowes how to doe this worke ; but how (hall I that am ignorant, and impotent know how to fupprefre and keepe downe fo ftrong an enemie with any patience or conflancie that all this workes in mee ? To this I an, Ewer, fiat confider wherein mainly the ftrength of tuft lies, Qaicqaid inde MINIM A1r,hiltc erejest.Hieort. ep. Za.