Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

2 18 Eph.4.14. Iam.z.r4. i Tim.3:r4. zPer. 2.15. hide v.11. Hcb.rt._S. Ueut.:9. i9. Iudg.4,i8 21 Efay 17.1o. Ier. 44 17. Hof: 2.5. The Sin fu. lne ffe of Sinne, lyes, and then apply your preventions and oppofitions accordingly. The ftrength ofluft is in thefe particulars. Firft, it's wifdome and cunning craftineffe,fvhereby it lyes in wait, and is upon the catch of evert advantage to fet forward its owne ends. Secondly, its fuggeflions , perfwafions, titillations, treaties, flatteries, dalliances with the foule, which like the fmiles of an harlot entice, and allure the heart to condefcend to fome experience and pra &ice with it : Thus Evah being deceived fell into the transgref- f on. For the fuggeftion quickly begets delight, and de- light as eafily growes into coníent, and when the Will like the Mafter -Fort is taken, the inferiour members can no longer Rand out. Thirdly, its prornifes and prefump- tibns, its threatnings and afrightments : for Hopes and fearer are the edges of temptation. Luft feldome or never prevailes, till it have begotten fome expe &ation of fruit in it,till it can propofe fome wages and pleafures ofiniqui- tie, fome peace and immunitie againft dangers or judge- ments denounced , wherewith men may flatter them - felves : fome unprofitablenelTe, toyle, and inconveni- ence in a contrary ftri&neff'e. Luft deales with the foule, as lad with Sifera, firft, it calls a man in, gives him milke and butter, covers him with a mantle, and carts him into a quiet and fecure fleepe, and then after brings out the naile and hammer to fatten him unto death ; and yet all this while a man faith not within himfelfe, What have 1 done, there is no hope, after all this my wearineffe, in the tent ojlael, in the promifes ofluft, but like the Mother of Siferacherifheth vafl expe &ations, and returneth an- fwers offpoyles and purchafes to himfelfe. We will burn Incenfe to the .. eene of Heaven, fay the people to Jere - my ; we have not onely great and publike examples, our Fathers, our Kings,our Princes, our Cities, but great Re- wards to encourage us thereunto, for then had wee plentie o viaGals, and were well and law no evill. I willgo after my Lovers