Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Jnfulne ffe of .frone, Lovers that give me my bread and my water, my wood and my flax , mine oyle and my drinks ; neither did thee ever returne to her firft husband, till Thee found by euident experience tint it was then better with her then among fl h -r idols. So that which mid?. that hypocritical) people worry of the wayes and worn-lip of God, was the un pro - fitablenetje which they conceived to be in his fervice, and the unequalneffeof his wayes : whereas in iced the fault was in their owne unfinceritie and evill ends. For the Word of the Lord doth good to thole that walke uprightly, as the Prophet rpeakes. Fourthly, its L awes and Edits, whereby it fetteth the members aworke, and publitheth its owne will ; and that either under the Phew of rearm (for finne hath certaine Maximes, and principles of corrupted reafon,which it takes for in- dubitable and fecure, wherewith to countenance its ty- rannical' commands) or elfe under the thape of Emolu- ments and Exigences, and Inevitabineffe, which may ferve to warrant thole commands that are otherwiCe de- ffitute even of the colour of reafon. Like that device of Caiaphas, when they knew not how to accule Chrif{, or charge himwith any face of capitali crimes, yet bee had found out a way that though there were no perfonall reafons,nor ¡Lift grounds to proceed upon, yet admitting and confetling the innocencie of the perron of Chriff,the Expedience notwithtfanding and Exigencie of ftate fo requiring it, fitter it was for one innocent perron to perith, and thereby the fafetie of the common-wealth, which depended upon their homage to the Romanes, to bee fecured, then by the prefervation of one manto have the welfare of the whole prople lye at hazard, and ex poled to the feares, and jeloufies, and diipleafnres of the Ro- manes, who by publike fame were very fufpicious of an Univerfall Prince which was to ariCe out of Judea, and none fo likely to be the man, as he who could raiCe dead men out oftlaeir graves, and fo bee never deflitute of ar- mies 219 Mai. r.r3, 3. 14. Eray 58. 3. Mic.s.7. Ioh.Ir.47-fo. Percrebuerat Oriente teto ve- tus es4 crnj#ans opinio,e f f e in fa- tis,ut co tempore IudaBQrofctti wren petiren- tur. Sutton. in Yefji,sg. cap.4.