22Z Pluribus perfua- fi) incur, auri quia facerdotum liters conrimri, es ipfo tcem.poYe fore ut vale fieret orrens, profeGtig, adæâ>erumr po- tirentur i4pa ambages Vefpa- fianum da Tttum prædixe,ant. Tacit. Hißor, lib.5 td:pfum uou drQintli er- rore motavcrat prias I.)frpbde Bello Iudaxo. !ibrs. cap. is. Guro.;+. 16. Mic.6.S. Iona, 4.4.84 Iudg. t 6. t 6. Rom. i; 14. i Ioh.Z.t 5,i6 Iam.4.4 Rom. 6.19. The Sinfulneffe of Strane, mies to helpe him fothough there was no .equurrs eft, yet there was an expedit though no reafon or juftice, yet there was Exigence and Expediencie why hee ought to dye, though not as a malefactor to fatisfic for his owne offence, yet as a facri five to expiate, and to prevent thofe evils of Bate which the fame of his mighty workes might have occafioned. And thus cloth finne deale with men, fometimes by the helpe of corrupt reafon, and counter- feit maximes it makes the fnnes which are commanded feeme warrantable and equall ; fometimes , where the things are apparantly evill, and cannot bee juttified, yet by pretence of fome prefent exigencies it makes them feeme neceffar and unavoidable. Fifthly, Its violence and importunitie, for finne is Co wilfull, that as he once anfwe- red the Perfian king, when it cannot finde a law to war - rant that which it requires,yet it will make a law to com- mand what it will : and it will beret and purfue, and im- portune the foule, and take no anfwer. Balaams ambi- tion was ftrfliciently nonplufd by the feverall anfwers and parables which God put into his mouth, and yet hill it purfires him, and will put him upon all experi- ments, make him try the uttermoft ofhis devillifh wit to curie Gods people, and promote himfelf. Ionah his fret - fulneffe had been once put to filence, and could reply no- thing when God charged him, yet upon a fecond occaft- on it gathers ftrength,and becomes moré headtlrong,even to difpute with God, and to charge him foolifhly. Da- lilah wee know was an tIllegorie or type of lull, and wee know how violent and urgent the was with Sampfon, till the grieved and vexed his foule with her daily importu- nities. Sixthly, its provifions, thofe fubídiarie aides and materials of loft which it fetcheth from abroad, thofe things of the world, with which the heart committeth adulterie ; for the world is the Armorie and fore - houfe of loft. Laftly, its infiruments, which willingly execute the will of finne, and yeeld themfelves up as weapons in