Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Sin, f ulneffe of Sinne. 22 I in the war : In thefe things principally doth the ftrength ofluft conk}. Having thus dífcovered wherein the flrength of Iull lyes, Pet your felves againft it in thefe particulars thereof. First , for the wifdome and deceit of lust : Firft Pet up a fpirituall wifdome, which may difcover and defeat the projeí` s of the fle(h ; Chrifts teaching is the onely way to put offthc old man, and to bee renewed in the Eph.q.zo,sz, fpirit of the minde. Secondly, mutual! exhortation is a great helpe againff the deceitfulneire of finne, Exhort Heb.3 .z ; one another while it is called to day, left any of you be hard - ned by the deceitfulne f fe of finne. Silence is the belt ad- vantage an Enemie can have, when one doth not warne nor give notice to another. If a Cheat or cunning Spie (hould come to a place, and apply himfelfe with feverall inflnuatiotis unto feverall perfons for the better managing his purpofes,and fìfting out thofe difcoveries which he is to make, thebel way to difclofe the plots and mifchiefes of fuch an Enemie would bee to conferre, and compare his feverall pafl'ages and difcourfes together ; fo Chrifti- ans mutuall communicating of the experiments, tempta- tions, conflicts, victories which they have had in them - felves to one another, is a Cure way to difeover and pre- vent the deceit of lull. Rahabs hiding and concealing the fpies,did much advance their proje& again(} Jericho; and fo the keeping of the devils counfell,and Rifling his temp- tations, and the deceits of lull, is one of the greatest ad- vantages they can have. Thirdly, receive the Truth with love, for lyes and delufions are the doome of thofe men who receive not the love of the Truth , that they might a The!, io,r z. be Paved. Secondly, for the perfwafions and fuggeftions of luft, entertaine no Treatie, have no commerce with it, bee not in its companie alone., let it not draw thee away, fit not r¡az s, r, in counfell with it. Qui deliberant defèivernnt, if it pre- vaile raar :, to get our care, and make us linen unto it, it will ea fily