222 Gal.t.t60 Prov. s . The Sinf iilne ffe of Sinne. eafily proceed further. As footle as ever Saint Paul was called, hee immediately refufed to conferre with f eji. and blood,which relation elsewhere making,he ufeth another expreflion , Whereupon O King 4 rippa I was not difobe_ dient to the heavenly vifon ; intimatingthusmuch, that but to hold a conference with the flefh is a beginning of difobedience. If our firfi mother Eva!) had obferved this rule , not to deliberate, or admit any difpute with the Serpent , but had at firfi offer reje&ed his motion , with thisperemptorie anfwer, Wee have a Law given us, and fervants mutt bee rul'd by their malter and not by their fellowes It is fitter to obey God then to difpute againit him, to execute his commands then to interpret them, Thee might have prevented that deluge of finne and cala- mide which by this one over -fight did invade the world. Therefore the Lord ftri&ly commands his people, that when they were to fucceed the nations whom 'God would cart out before them, and fhou =d dwell in their land , they Ghouid take heed that they were not fnared by following them , neither fhould they enquire after their Gods Paying, Mow didthefe nations ferve `their Clods The very acquainting themfelves with the formes of o- ther mens idolatries might enfnare them. Therefore as fobne as luft ílirres and offers to perfwade thee, flat away from it as IIfeph did, Come not nigh the doore of a _grange woman houfe : though the firfi allurements feeir;e modelt and moderate, yet if the Serpent get in but his head, he will calily draw in the cell of his body, and if he should not, yet his fling is in his head, Thirdly, for the promifes and threats of loft, firft, be- leeve them not for luft is a Tempter, 'and it is given to all Tempters, to bee lyers too. When God hath faid one thing, let no arguments make thee beleeve the contrary. As wee are to beleeve above hope , Co above reafon too ; for though fophifiry may alledge reafons for a falfe corr- elation which every underftanding is not able to anfw pr