The Sinfulnefe of Sinne. 1111... 22 3 or evade, yet there is a voyce ofChri(I in all fáving truth, which his fheepe are apt to heare and fubfcribe unto, in Ioh. 10.44. which there is an evidence to make it felfe knowne, and to difference deiufiions from it , though haply a man have not artificial" logicke enough to diftinguifh it from every captious and fophitlicall argument, IT an Angell from Gal. i.8. heaven, faith the Apoftle, preach any other Gclpell, let him bee aectirfed ; We know what it colt the man of God, when he gave credit to the old Prophet of Bethel, though r Ki g,13.í 8. pretending an Angels warrant , to goe backe and eat -4 with him, contrary to the commandement which he had received before. Secondly, get fecuritie of bitter promi- fes ( for all the promifes of the flefh if they Ihould bee perform'd will perifh with a man) learne to reft upon Gods All -fuf ìciencie, fee thy felfe rich enough in his Hem rs5. wayes, there arc more riches in the perfecutions , much mote in the promifes and performances of God, then in all the trealures of /Egypt. Luff can promife nothing but either thou haft it already ( and the fame water is farre Tweeter out of a fountaine, then when it hath paired through a finke ; the fame rnony farre better when it is a Bleffiug from God, then when a bribe from Luft; when it is the reward of a fervice, then when 'tis the price of finne ; when it is given by the Owner, then when depo- fited by a theefe) or elfe thou art farre better without it, thou wal keft amongft fewer (bares, haft an over -plus of fpirituall goods for thy earthly defe& , haft thy povertie fweetned and fan&tified by better promifes ; and there- fore refpe& none of the wages of Luft, confider that God is the Fountaine of life, that thou haft more and better of it in him then in the Creatures , that when thou wanteft the things of this life, yet thou haft the promifes Rill, and that all the offers of luft are not for comforts, but for fnares, not for the ufe of li fe, but for the provifions offin and there is more content in a little received from God, then in whole treafures ftollen from hiu , and all Gnfull gaine