224 The Sinfulneffe of Sinne. Rom. ó.2; i Cor. s 2.7,8. Deut. =7 Roen.7 20. gaine is the robbing of God. Fourthly, for the law of luff,fet up the law of thç fpl- rit of lift in thy heart. It is a Reyall Law, and a Law ofli- hertie whereas luit is claw ofdeath and bondage ; and where the fpirit comes , a man (hall bee let free from the law of finne And of death. Keepe thy Idle alwayes at home , in the prefence of Chrift, under the eye and go- vernment of thy husband, and that will dafh all intru- ders and adultereis out of countenance. Take heed of quenching, grieving, fifling the Spirit, cherifh the mo- tions thereof, airre up and kindle the gifts of God in thee, labour by them to grow more in grace, and to have nee= communionwith God ; the riper the Corn grows, the loofer will the chaffe be, and the more a man gr,,wes in grace,with the more eafe w ill his corruptions be (ever'd and (haken off. Fifthly, when luft is violent and importunate : l' irf},be thou importunate and urgent with God againft it too, when the MefTenger of Satan, the Thorne in the flefh, did buffet, and flicke fait unto St, Paul, he reiterated his prayers unto God againft it!, and proportion'd the vehe- mency of his requefis to the violence and urgency of the enemie that troubled him ; and he had a comfortable an- fwer, My Grace is fufficient for thee, fufficient in due -time to cure , and fufficient at all times to forgive thy weake- neffe. In theLaw, if a ravifht woman had cried out, Thee was efleemed innocent, becaufe the pollution was not voluntary , but violent. And fo in the affaults of luft, when it ufeth violence, and purfues the foule that is wil- ling to efcape and flye from it , if a man with -hold the embraces of his owne will, and cry .out .againft it, if he can fay with Saint Paul, It is no more I that doe it , but finne that dwelleth in met, though in regard that the flefh is fomething within himfelfe, he cannot therefore be eflee- med altogether innocent, yet the Grace of God fhall bee fufficient for him. Secondly, when thou art purified, keepe