Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The finfulnefe of Sinne. 225 keep not luflscounfell, but feeke remedy from fome wile and Chriffian friend by communicating with him, and diíclofing thy cafe unto him ; fin loves not to be betrayde or complained on, ariltuall confeflion of fin to thofe who will pray fora finner, and not deride him, or rejoyce a- Iames 5.16. gainía him, is a meanes to heale it. Thirdly, when thou art in a more violent manner than ufuall affault by fin, humble thy felfe in Lorne peculiar manner before God, and the more fin cries for fatisfa Lion, deny it and thy felfe the more; as Salomon faith of Children, fo I may fay of lults, Chaftife and fabdoe thy tuffs, and regard not their crying. Sixthly, cut off the materials and provifions for lull, weane thy felfe from earthly affeetions; love not the World,northe things of the world, delire not any thing to confume upon thy lulls, pray for chofe things which c John z. T5. are convenient for thee, turne thy heart from thofe things Iamcs.4.34. which are molt likely to feduce thee, poffeffe thy heart prov.3o.8,9 with a more fpirituail and abiding treafure; bee who lookes iledfaftly upon the light of the Sun,will be able to fee nothingbelow when he looks down again; and titre - ly the more a man is affeeted with Heaven, the leffe will hee delire or delight in the world, betides, the provifions of fin' are but liketullpallúres, that doe but fatten, and Ilofea i3 6,7, prepare ',fist flan ,titer`. Balaarm was in very good plight Num. z:.zz. before, able to' ride' with his two jervants to attend him, but greedineffe to rife, "higher, and. make provifion for his ambitious heárt, : caí'ri'd him upon a wicked bufineffe, made hiñi give. curled counfell againft Ifrael, which at Nuin 3 i.. length colt him his owne life. Lí lily, for the ii rumertts of lulls, make a covenant with chy members, keepe a government over them, bring them into fubjeEtion, above all keep thy heart, ettablifh i Cor.9. /7. the inward government; for nothing can be in thy body which is not 1 rll in the heart ; keepe the fin mover uniforme and right; all . other things which have their motions