25 Revel.::. ai. z Pet.3.15. Rom. 3. z C®r.3.3. Ier. 31.33. 31, 40. The flnfulneJJè of Sinne. in the Parable) but flandeth before the dore, and is nigh at band, and will not tarry ; it's embafj'age of repentance,. to give up our armour, to ftrippe and judge our felves,to meete him in the way of his judgements, to make our selves vile before him, and fe humbled under his mighty band, and flue forth conditions of peace,co meete him as the Gibeonites did Iofua, and relolve rather to be.hisfer- vants, than to (land out againft him. This is certaine, God is comming againit his Enemies; his attendants An- gels, and his weapons fire : And if his patience and for- bearance make him yet keepe a great way off, that hee may give us time to make our peace ; O let the long fuf- fering of Clod draw us to Repentance, left we treafure up more wrath againfl our felves ! Confider the,great aggra- vation of that fpirituall Iezabls fin, I gave her fpace to repent of her fornication, and fbe repented not. Confider that the longfuffering of God is falvation, and therefore let us make this ufe of it ; Labour to be found of him in peace, without fjot and blameleffe. The laft thing in this firft poiut:propofed was, How the fpirit by the Commandement doth thus convince men to be in the gate of fanne. To this I anfwer briefly. ,Firft, by quickning and putting an edge upon the Inflrumen- tall caufe, the fword of the Spirit. For the word of it felfe is a dead letter, and profiteth nothing,it is the fpirit that puts life and power into it. 3 am full of power by the Spirit of the Lord to declare unto Iamb his,tranfgrefon., fairh the Prophet, ..t..Mic.3.8 As the Spirit is a Spirit of life, íò bath hee given to the Word to be a W ord.of life, quiLke. and powerfull, -Phil. 2.16. He6.4.t2., Secondly, by writing it in the heart calling the heart into the mould of the Word, and transforming the fpirit ofman into the Image of the Word, and making it as it were the Epifle of Chrifi, bending and framing the heart to fiand in awe i of Gods Word; for writing his Law, and putting his 1 feare into the heart is the fame thing with God. In which refped ,