Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

z,6o T he finfulneffe of SZnne. more, nor adde no more reali verrue or lustre to the { Word, than the weeds in a fieeld doe unto the Corne, or than the ground colour Both unto the beauty of that which is put upon it. We fliould therefore pray for the Spirit to conte along with his Word ; It is not enough to bee at Bethefda, this houle of mercy and grace, unleffe the Angell itirre, and the Spirit move upon thefe waters ; Ir is Flee that mull incluse and put the heart into the Word, or elle it will reinaine as impotent, as before. Ijut of this point alfa I have fpoken at large upon ano- ther Scripture. Having then thus fhewed at large that the Spirit by the Commandement convinceth men to be in the frate of fin both antiall and criáinall,imputed and inherent,what kinde of frate that is, A frate of Impotency and Enmity ; How it loth it, by quickning the Wad. and opening the heart : Now wee are very briefly to open the fecond point, That the Spirit by the Commandement convinceth aman to be under theguilt of fin, or in the filate of death becaufe of fin. I died, for which wee must note, Firft, that there is a twofold Giujlt, Firfl,Reatu concupifcentia, which is the meritorioufneffe of puniflrment, or liable- neffe unto pnnilhment, which finne brings with it : and Ream perfona, which is the aduall Obligation, and ob- noxioufneffé of a perfon unto punishment becaufe of fin. Now in as much, as nature is not able to.diícover with- out the Spirit the whole malig iicy and obliquity that is in fin, therefore it cannot fufficiently convince of the Guilt of fin, which is a Refultancie there from, and is ever pro, portionable thereunto. In which refpeê-f the judgments of God are laid to be unfearchabie, Rrn, t 1.33'. end the wicked know not whither they goe, i yoh&Z. r T. cannot have any full and proportionable notions of that wrath to come which their fins carry them unto. Secondly, wee may note-that there is a Twofold couvi Elion of this GieilF of finne ; el nRtasrall couvi lion, fuclr