Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

`7 he jinfülne of Sinne. z 6t fuck as was in Cain, lochs, "Spiro, and other defpairing men ; which arifeth frormtwo grounds. Fait, the Pre - 1 feint fenfe of Gods wrath in the frfi fruits thereof upon their confciences which muff perforce bare wicnefle to Gods Iuthce therein ; and this is that which the Apoí}le calls Torment, i I4.4. i S. which though it may arife from naturali principles (forwee know even Heathens have had their Laniarut and lane as the Hitforian fpeakes, their fcourges and readings of Confcience) yet is it much let forward by the Word, becaufe therein is made more apparent to the Soule the GIory and the Power of God ; therefore the Two Prophets are laid to Torment the inhabitants of the Earth, and the Law is raid to make men guilty,and to kill,to hew,fmite,and de- limy chafe whom it deales withalL Secondly,fuJh a faith as theDevills have, begotten by the Word, and affented unto by the fecret fuggeftions of the heart, witneßîng to it felfe that it hath deferved more than yet it feeles ; and this begets a fearefull expeaation of being devoured, furprifeth the heart with horrid cremblings and prefump- tions of the vengeance to come, which the ApoiIle calls the Spirit of bondage and feare. But all this being an Affent perforce extorted (for wicked men confeffe their tins as the Devils confeffed Chri1t, more out of Torment than out of Love to G o D, or humiliation under his mighty hand) amounts to no more than a Naturali con - viaion. Secondly, there is a Spiritual' and Evangelicall Con - viaion of the Guilt of finne and thedamnation due ther- unto, ariling from the Law written in the heart, and tempered with the apprehenfion of mercy in the new Covenant, which begets fuck a Paine under the Guilt of fm, as a philter doth to the impollumation which with - all it cures; filch a ConviEtion as is a manudution unto righteoufnelfe t And that *when the Confcience doth not onely perforce feels it felfe dead, but bath wrought S3 in, Rerel.r 1.t0, R orn. ;. t 9. Dem. s.zs. z.Cor.3.7. a.TheC2 .8. / Efai.ti.4. Hof.6,5.. Efai 3 3.14. Hcb.z.t4ta. 27 Gen a. o. Rom. 8, 15. a Ttm. t.7. Ma.ttk.8. s90