Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

262, Thefirfulneffeof Sinne. Lam 3.4®,43 Micah 7.9. pialme 51.4. Ezra 9.1; 31 S. Dan.9 938. I Co,. I I 3 a. Amos 4 I a. Efay 16.8. 'in it by the Spirit the fame affeElion towards it felfe for finne, which the word hachy is willing to charge it felfe, and acquit Go D ; to endite, accule, arraigne, tefiifie, condemne. it (elfe, rraeete the Loa D in the way of his judgetre.:ìts, and cart' downe it íelfe under his mighty. hand. That man who can in fecret and truth of heart, willinly, and uncompulforily thus ftand on Gods fide againil finne, and againfl himfelfe for it, giving Go4c glory of His righteoufnefl'e if he íhould condemne hint, and of his unfearchable and rich mercy, that hee Both offer to forgive him, I dare pronounce that man to have the Spirit of Chrift, For no man by nature can willingly and ulrightly-owne damnation,and charge himfelfe with it as his due portion and molt juft inheritance. This can never arife but from a deepe fenfe and hate of finne, from a moil ardent zeale for the Glory and Righteoufneffe of God. Now then fince the aónviaien of finne, and of the `death and guilt thereof are not to drive men to deípairc or blafphemie, but that they may beleeve and layhold on the righteouineffe of Chritt, which they are then moll likely to doe, when finne is made exceeding finfull, and by consequence death exceeding deadly : give mee leave to fet forth in two words what this guilt of finne is, that the neceffitie of righteoufneffe from Chrift may appease the greater, and his mercy therein be the more glorified. Guilt is the Demerit of finne, binding and fubjeaing the perfon in whom it is to undergoe all the punifEments legally due thereunto. This Demerit is founded not on- ly in the Confiitution,W ill,and Power of God over his owne Creatures, of whom he may juftly require -what- foever obedience bee giveth power to performe, but in the nature of his owne Holineffe and juflice, which in finne is violated and turned from : and this guilt is after a tòrt InEnite, becaufe it fpringeth out-of the averion from an