Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The /mnfulnelle of W inne. an Infinite good, the violation of an infinite Holíneffe and Iuttice,and the Converfion to the Creatures infinitt- ly, if men could live ever to commit adultery with them. ,.And as the Confequence and reward of obedience was the favour of God, conferring life and bleffedneffe to the Creature, fo the wages of fin, which this guilt affureth a firmer of; is the wrath of God, which the Scripture calleth Death and the Curie. This guilt being an Obligation unto punifhment, lead - eth us to confider what the nature of that curie and death is unto which it bindeth us over. Tunifhr`sent bea- ring neceffary relation to a command, the tranfgre{lion whereof is therein recompenced, taketh in thefe confide - deratiot s. Firft, on the part of the Commander,a will to which the Aaions of the fuhjec`t mutt conform e, reveal'd and fignified under the nature of a Law. Secondly, a juftice which will, and thirdly, a power which can pu- nifh the tranfgreffors of that Law. Secondly, on the part of the fubjea commanded there is requir'd, firtt, Reason and free -will originally, without which there can bee no finite ; for though man by his brutifhnefíe and impotency which i-c cloth contract cannot make voyd the commands of God, but that they now binde men who have put out their light, and loit their libertie ; yet originally God made no law to binde under paine of firm, but that unto the obedience whereof hee gave reafon and free -will. Secondly, a debt and obligation, either by voluntary fub- jeaion, as man to man ; or natural!, as the creature to God, or both, tealed and acknowledged in the covenants betweene Goa and man, whereby man is bound to fulfill that Law which it was Originally enabled to obferve. Thirdly,a forFeiture,guilt,and demerit upon the violation of that Law. Thirdly and lat}ly, the evill it felfe in flied, wherein wee confider, firft, the nature and quality of it, which is to have a dej? utlive power, to oppretfe and dif- quiet the offender, and to violate the integrity of his well S g being 1, 26; Ephe fians :.3, Iohn 3. 3 6. Galath.;.r3. t