Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

264 Rom. 8,zo. Gcn. ;, 17. ler. r z, 4, Illo die mori cc- perunt quo Mor- ds Le&em qua in feuium vetrraf meat cepertot. Aug. The jinfulnefeof 'inne. i being. For as finne is a violation offered by man to the Law, fo punishment is aviolation retorted from the Law to man. secondly, the 'Proportion of it to the offence,the greatreffe whereof is rnanifefied in the Majeflie of God offended, and thofï lèverali relations of goodneffe, pat I- ence, creation, redemt ton 1,vhic1i he bath to man : in the quality of the creature offending, being, the chiese, aid lord of all the reit below him ; in the ea!ineffe of the pri- mitive obedience; in theunprofitablenefle o'. the wayes of finne, and a world of the like aggravations. Thirdly, the end o' it, wh ch is not the deikuction of the creature, whom as a creature God lovech, but the Catisfac }ion of 1 j unite, the declaration of divine difpleafure against finne, ° and the manifeflation of the glory of his power and ter - rour. So then Pisni9 rnent is an evil! or preffure of the Creature, proceeding from a Lawgiver jua and power - full, it flided on a reafonable Creature for and proportio. nable unto the breach of fuch a Law, unto the perfor- mance and obedience whereof the Creature was origi- nally enabled, wherein is intended the glory of Gods jufl difpleature and great power against finne, which he naturally hateth. Now thefe punithmer°ts are Temporal', Spirituali, and Eternal'. Temporali, and thole frrft with. out a man, The vanitie of the Creatures, which were at firft made full of goodneffe and beauty, but doe now mourne and grone under the bondage of our finnes. The wrath of God revealing it felfe from heaven,and the curie of God overgrowing the earth. Secondly, within him, All the Harbingers and fore - runners of death, ficknelle, paine, poverty, reproach,feare, and after all death it felfe. For though thefe things may bee where there is no guilt imputed,and fo properly no punifhment infli &red (neither the blinde man nor his Parents had finned, that bee mu borne blind) as in the fame Ship there may bee a male - factor and a Merchant, and to the one the voyage is a trafficke , to the other a baniíhment; yet to the wicked i where