The Jmnfulnejfeof Sanne. 161 where they are no- ffnciñed, they are truely punish- meats, and fruits of Gods vindicative jufiice, becaufe they have their ffing !fill in them. For the fling of death is finne. Secondly, ,S p ylttsa, and th Ife threefold. Firfl, Ti:. ni/hmcnt of loft ; i Para: ion from the favour and fellow.. (hip v nth God, expulsion from Paradise the feat of Gods pretence and love, Aliens, torrein<:rs, faire from G o D. Secondly, Of J'enfe,the immediate !fro: is of Gods wrath on the foule, wounds of Co:rfcience, fcourges of heart Lane of vengeance, implanting in the foule tremblings, Bares, amazements, diitraCfed thoughts, en a cleare view of the demerit cf finne, evidences of immortality, and pretiunptions of irreconciliation with God. This made Cain a runnagate, and ludas a murtherer of himtelfe, yea tome touches of it made `David cry out that his bons were broken, and marrow dryed up, and his fell) fcorched like apot[)eard; It is able to (hake the ffron- getf Cedars, and make the Mountaines to tremble like a leaf'. The fon of God himlelfe did fweate, and Qirinke, and pray againff i, and with f frond cryes decline it, though the fuifering of fo much of ir, as could co.1iff with the holinefle of his perfon, were the worke of his office and voluntary mercy. Thirdly,of'Pine, when God in anger Both forfake the foule, and give it over to the frenzie and fury of luff, to the rage and revenge of Satan lettingmen alone to jcyne themf elves unto idols, and to beleeve lies. Now as the operation of the funne is !iron. geff there where it is nof at all fcene, in the bowels of the earth, or as lightning Both often blaff and confume the inward parts, when there is no fenfible operation with- out: fo the judgments of Go n doe often lie heavieff there, where they are leaf! perceiv'd. Firdne jje of heart, a fpirit of flumber, blindne f fe of minde, a reprobate fenfe, tradition unto Satan, giving over unto vile a f feffions, re- compencing the errors of men with following finnts,are molt Efh,. z7, 9, 43 18. Dew. 2.8.65. Rom í.a4,:6, ad. Mac.r;. 13,14. zThef.a.c I. Peecatum qrsod inrslirem videí rw h.rbet pcenam pe- difflquam, ut mono de adrrai o a}naritrrdine eloleat, it ceci-. tate non doleat. Aug.