Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

Zá6 Job 1 a. zo. Efay 19 13,14 R.eve I. z.5. Eze[c.3 t 6. Amos 5.13, &iztt;.ts,3. Ro nans 10, Ads 14. 16. As 17.30. Rom.t.z8. AíRs 4 t7,1$ Gcr7cfrs 59.2.0 Dent. x. 3 0. 1 Sam.z. i 5 . 1 King la. 25. Efay j Dese iuclnat I voluntates gig- / C snque voluerrt, Ì five ad bona pro i The finfulneffe of Sinne. moll: tearefull and defperate judgements. But doe we then make God the Author of fin ? God forbid. In finne we may confider the execution and corn- mi:ting of it as it is finne, and this is only fromman, for every man is drawne away and enticed by his owne lu.ft: and the Ordination of it as it is a `Punifhment ; and this may be from God, whofe hand in the lull puniihmenc of fin by fin in obflinate, contemptuous, impenitent finnec s may thus time be obfervecl. Fis ll, D eferendo, by forfaking them,that is,taking away his abufedgi {ts, fubtraiing his delpifed Graces ; calling in and making to retire his quenched and grieved fpirit, removing his candlefticke,and Glencing his Prophets,and giving a bill of divorce that either they may not fee, nor heare at all, or hearing they may not underhand, and Pee ing they may not perceive, becaufe they did nor fee nor beare when they migh`. S econdly, Permittendo, when he bath taken away his owne grace which was abufed unto wantonneffe, he tuf- fers wicked men to walke in their owne wayes, and be- caufe they like not to retaine him in th it knowledge,nor live by his prefcript, therefore hee leaves them to them - felvts, and their owne will. Thirdly, Media difponendo, ordering ohjes, and pro- poling meaneq, not only to Try but to punifh the wick - ednefle of men, and to bring aboutwhatever other fixed ptarpofes of his bee bath refolved for the declara.ion of his wonderfull wifedome to execute, and as it were to fetch out of the fins of men ; as the confpiracy of Pilat, Herod, and the levees, which their former wickednefl-e had juilly deferved to have them given over unto, was by God order'd to accomplifh his determined and un- changeable counfell touching the death of Grill. Ex- cellent is the fpeech of Holy Aultin to this purpofe, The Lord enclineth the wily of men whitherfoever pleafeth him ¡elfe,whether unto Good out of hi6 mercie, or unto evill out; of