# The finfidnelle of Sinne. 267 of their merit, fometimes by his manifefl, fometimfs fe- cret, but alwayes by his righteous judgement,, and this nor by his patience only, but by bis power. Fourthly, Perverfaa volunt,ttes ;non invites fieElendo,fe4 #ontaneas V° fuo impeto faciles ultertua Satan t præcipi- tandas tradendo. By grvingover pervetfe, wilfull, rebti. lious tanners to the rage and will of Satan to hurry and .enrage them at his pleatiire unto further finfulneffe. When Iudai had liflned to the Temptation of Satan to betray Chrifl, had let himfel a to watch the moll private opportu:litie, had beene warned of it by Chrift, and that upon a quetlion of the moll bold and impudent hypo. critic that was ever made, CAlafter,.Is it I ? (though it is not an improbable conjeálure that Iudasatthatvery time upon the curie thit was pronounced might Iècretly and for that time ferioutly refolve to give over his plot, and upon that refolution to aske the quellion) then at left, Chrifl by a fop did give Satan as it were a further feifin of him, and the purpofe. of -Chris} was that that which he was to do; he might doe quickly. He was now wholly given up to the. will of Satan, whofe temp- tation haply before, though very welcome in regard of the purchafe and pro j ea of gaine which was in it,had not fully filenc'd nor broken through all thole reluaancies of Confcience, which were very likely to arifè upon the 6rft prefcntment of fo hideous a fuggeflion ; but now I fay whether out of afinifler Cemirutrtizn of our Saviours words, That thou doe:II doe quickly, as if they had beene, not as indeed they were a giving him over to.thegree- dineífe of his ovine lull, and to the rage of Satan, but ra- ther an allowance of his intention, as knowing that hee was able to deliver himfelfe oat of their hands unto whom hee ihould bee becraide, and fo his treafon fhoul.1 onely make way to Chritis miracle and not to his croffe or whether it were out of a fecretprefùmption, that, notwithftanding Chris} had made him know how his con- f rcordra, fi- z e ad mala pro rneritis, luircio titigÍuefuo, ali- quando aferro, alrquando oc- ual[o, fempe; (uflo. Cont.lul. lrb. 5. cap.3 . Non pc r patien- tiam ta,strsm, fed per potenti- Iohn t 3.s. Luke zz,6. Mitth. s6ïz5. toh_r 3 _27,:2