Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

z6$ The finf ulnefe of Sinne. i. King. zz.zz zThtf. 24 i. It z. Cor.4 4 t .001..2. 3 o. t.Pet.i. 28. Efii ; loh,3 36. t.Cor.x.i8> Eph.4. 3 0. Rom.g.=3. Co1.3 , 3,4. ¡Joh. 3. s. Rom.t.ig. confpiracy was not hid from him, yet fince he was of all the company fingled out whom Chrift would Carve un- to; therefore his confpiracy was not fo vile, but that Chrifl would redsre ingratsam, countenance and refpea him after all that, and that as by the plot hee had not fo loft him, but that bee had gain'd him againe fo alto bee might doe after the execution too. Now I flay after that foppe, and thofe words, without further refpea to the ftrugglings and flaggerings of his Confcience, he goes refolvedly about that damned butineffe, for he was now delivered unto the will of Sathan. The like liberty and commiflion was that whichGod gave to the evil fpirit againft ehab and his Pcophets, that hee fhould goe forth with lying perhveons, and fhould bee beieeved, and prevaile, according to that of the e4pof le, that Goa giveth over thofe that beleeve not the trutb,bsst have plea- fare in tsnrighteoufnefrè, to Prong delufsons that they may beleeve a lye, and that the God of. this world doth blind tie eyes of thofe which beleeve not. Laftly,the `Punifhment of f inne is Eternah,T hat wrath which in the day of the Revelation of Gods righteous Iudgement fhall bee powred forth upon ungodly men. The Saints are redeemed already in this life, and are fail to have Eternall Life; but yet that great day is by an excellency called the day of Redemption, becaufe then that life which is here hid,(hall be then fully difcovered. So on the other Cult, though the wrath of God be revea- led from Heaven already againft all unrighteoufncffe, and eAbideth upon thofe that beleeve nor, yet after an efpe. ciall manner is the tall day called a day of irrath,becau(e then the heapes, treafures, ! ormes and tempefts, blacke- neffe and darkneffe of Gods difpleafure thall in full force feile upon ungodly men. And this wrath of God is of all other moil unfuppor- table. Firft, In regard of the Author,It corms from God; Now we know a little fione if it fall from a high place, or