Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The ffuln fe of Sinne. or a ¡mall dart fhot out of a ftrong bowwil do more hurt, than a farre greater that is but gently laid on. How wo- full then mint the café of thole be wlio fhall have moun- taines and milffones throwne with -Cods owne arme from Heaven upon them:. For though 'G o n in this,life fuffer himfelfe to bee wref }led with, and evenprefled downe, yet at laft he (hal.lcome to thew forth the glory of his Power in the juft condemnation of wicked men. Secondly, in its Dome natwe,- becaufe it is moll heavie, and invincible. All conqueft over an evill mui }proceed tither from Power, which is able to expell ir, ° or from Faith and Hope. that. a man t.hall bee delivered from it by thofe that have more power than himfelfe 'what ever evill it is which cloth either lteepe downe Nature that it cannot rife, or hedge it in that it cannot efeape, is.very intolerable, Now Gods wrath bath both thete in it. FA, it is fo great that it exceeds all the power of the Creature to overcorhè it, heavier than' mountaines,hotter than fire, no chaffe nor stubble (hall ftand before it:. and it (hall he all within a man, folded up in his very fubftance, like the worme in the wood-on which it feed es : And fe- condly as it is heavie.and fo excludes the 1 rèn ;th of na- ture to overcome ir, fo is it infinite too, and thus it ex- eludes the hope of nature to efcape ir, _The ground of which infinitenef(e in punifhment is the in5nite diipr o- portion betweene the lut ice of God which will punifh, and the nature of man which muff ¡offer. Goes luftice being .infinite, the violation thereof in finne mutt needs conträft. an infinite demerit, and debt ( becaufe in finning we robbe God of his Glory, which we muff repay him; againe.) Now the fatisfa1ion of an Infinite debt muff I needs beinfinite,' either in degre s (which isimpoflible, For, firaf nothing can bee Infinite in Being, though it may in duration, but onely God. And, secondly if it cou1 , yet á finite veffell were not able to hold an infinite wrath) or°elfe in iome other infiiiiteneffe-, which is either: infi- z69