270 T hefinfudneffé of Sinne. * fecrmdum dicitur quòd fi malus pe, pttuò vixiffét, pe>pe- tuò peccaffet` & ideo perpetuo punitur, quia perpetuò pecca- vit in vo.'untate. Contra, aliquis peccat cum pro polito peni.'endi, ergo nec explici- te, nec imp!rcite in voto perpetuò peccat- - - - -Et polka. t 'ern.-- tax non efi per fe de rativte pene, (ed accidit pr.p- t e etcrni.atem pc f ne punite & cul p,s rema nentis. Scot. in qu.zrt. fentent.' d pia 46.qu 4 D. Field of the Church Lb.s. cap. r7. Parker de Def. cenfa. 4. f c.9t lnfinitencffc of worth in the perlon fatisfyinr, or for de. fed of that in6nitenefie of time,to fuffer that which can- not bee suffered in an infinite meafure : And this is the reafon why Chrift did not fuffer infinitely in rime, be- caufe there was in him a more excellent infiniteneffe of 'perlon,. which railed a finite fufferiug into the value of an infinite fatisfaaion (though * Scotia and from him fome learned men have tendered another reafon hereof,becaufè', he fuffered onely for thole who were to breake off their fins by Repentance. ) Now then to conclude all ; In as much as finne is-by. the Law made exceeding tìnfull, and death exceeding deadly, net to legal! but Evangelical! purpofes ; not to drive men to blafpheme or defpaire, but to beleeve ; not to frighten them from God, but to drive them unto him in his Sonne; (for the Law comes not but in the hand of a mediator : ) And in as much as this is the accepted time,and the day of Satvation,that now he commanded) All Men every where to repent, becaufe be bath appoin- ted a Day,in the which he will judge the World in righ- teoufneffe, whom hee cloth now invite, and befeech in mercy : We thould therefore be wife for our felves, and being thus purfued and call in the Court of Law, flie to that Heavenly Chancery, that Office of Mercy and mi- tigation which is fet up inthe Gofpell, and that while: it is yet called to Day, before the Percullis bee (hut downe, before the blacke flagge be hung out, before the Talent of Lead feale up the meafure of our wickednefle, and the Irreverfible decree of wrath be gone forth ; for we mull know that-God will not alwayes bee delpifed, nor fuffer his Gofpell to waite ever upon obdurate (in- ners, or his Son to (land ever at our dores, as if hee flood in need of our admittance. But when there is no remedy, but that we judge our felves unworthy of Eternal! Life, and Rand in contempt and rebellion againfi his Court of Mercy, hee will diimitíe us to the Law again. O confi- der,