The JInfulneffe of Sinne. der, what wilt thou do if thou fhouldelt bee dragg'd nak- ed to the. Tribunali of Chrift,- and not bee able with all thy cries to obtaine fo much mercy from any Mountaine, as to live for ever under the weight and preffure of it ! When thou fhait peepe out of thy (. rave, and fee Heaven and Earth on fire about thine eares, and Chrift comming 'iu the flames of that fire to revenge on thee the quarrel! of his Covenant ! Whither then wilt thou fly from the pre- fence of him that fitteth on the Throne ? Let us therefore learne to judge our felves that we may not be condemned of the Lord, to fly to his Sanctuary, before we be haled to his tribunali ; He requires no great thing of us, but only to relinquifh our felves, and in Humility and fincerity to accept of him and receive that redemption by believing in him, which he hath wrought by fuffering for us; this if in truth and fpirit we doe, all the reft will undoubted- iy follow, namely the life of our Faith here, in an univer- fall obedience, and.the end of our Faith hereafter, even thefalvation of our Souks. 271 11-1E1