Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Sinfulneie of 'Sinne. I, 2,73 argument of the precedent parts of the Chapter, and frequently elfewhere ufed by the Apoflle, and others, 2 Cor. 5.14,1 5. Ga1.2. 20 ephef.2.6, Phil. 3.10. Col. 4. 114.9,m. IPet.4.1,2. Now the words of the Text are as I conceive a Prolep- /i.c,or anfwer to a tacite objec1ionwhichmight re made. d'cecler'! nod A weak Chrifiian might thus alledge,if our fellowíhip ,gat etc nfl nun, in the death of Chritl do bring along with it a death of atirrd 6,1) toe:. Cd 1m to us, then Purely I have little to do with his death ; dtder r cros: For alas fin is 1H11 alive in me,and dayly bringeth forth . A(iud cfi,lmple the works oflife. TO this the Apoflle anfuxers,Thou h. roped præcep- finne dwell in you, yet let it not reigne in you, nor have t can- aloft its wonted hold and power over you.a Impoffible it is a ''er ucsrdatn while you carry about thefe tabernacles of fle[li, thefe fiihe ria ro- mortald bodies, that finne thould not lodge within you, n,trsm Piton iú yet your care mutt be to give the kingdom unto Chrift, agere quod itcm to let him have the honor in you which his father hath /n tPct efiipsß given him in theChurch,to rule in the midfl ofhis ene- tugs non cars, mies, thofe flefhly lulls which fight againfl him. By c. b Alortall body, we here, under(land the whole man in Aug. de natura this prefent eflate, wherein he is obnoxious to death, & gi a.cap.62. which is an ufuall figure to rake the part for the whole, Fec a m t et efpecially Cnce the body is a weapon and inflrument to j4,5 7,a,, (t faaa reduce into a&,and to execute the will of fin. rem i07o;/ed Before .I fpeak atilt power of fin,here are Two points net in tetufpaie off r ti emfelves from the connexion of the words to c'r is tanjrattm fpperatum 6 thole preceding, which I will but only name. pe.errpt,rm, F irtl, Sinne will abide for the time of this mortall life in non iiatittc e- n- the moft regenerate, who can fay, I have heart lca oniuus, cleane, I am free from my tinge ? David had his fecret qt odammedo (ins, which made him pray ; and Paul his thorne in his'd. . flefh, which made him cry out againtl it.To the reafons It'pec em,fJ.'! Zrer of this point before produc'd we may adde, that God ate car Puff: s our fins to dwell in us, fríl to magnifie the glo- ry of his mercy, that notw ithil and ing he be provoked e- 1'ornincr rgn - lacar. Arrbrc, very day,yet he cloth flil f pare us.It is fail in one place, i,1 lac, T that