2 7 Gen.s S ,6. Gen 8,2, t. a Cartb(srian. Cornel. à 1.zPidc. Tigbir.z. Gregßeval.To. b.Ddfp.6.v1 I L puna: t.leci.5. 7aYnoti.Eaac. Giblic. Iof. i7t Q. Numb St., 7. `18.19. The Si f iilne`e of Sinne that when God fiw that every Imagination of the thoughts of mans heart was continually evill,he laid,l will d fitroy mare whom I have created, from off ,he face ofthe ear t h ; yet afterwards God laid, I will not agai^e cesrfe thegr..u.zd any more for mans fake, for the imagina. tien of mans heart is evifl from his youth.T he places ! eme at f rli view to be contradi 9 ory to one another.But we are thus to reconcile them, after there had been a propi- tiatory cf. :ring made by Noah unto God upon an Altar which was the type of Chrifi,it is faid that God !melt a fweet favour, and refolved, I will no more curie the Iearth, not becaule, but although the imagi. ation of mans heart be evill from hu youth ; that is, though men are fo wicked that if I would Lure meo Asti, take advantage to powre out again my d ifplea(ure upon them, I might do it every d :y,yet Iwil (pare themnotwithf }anding their His continue in than For we are not to undcrffád the place as if it tended to the extenuation oforiginall fin (as a tome d o) I will take piety upon them, Becaufe of their naturali infirmities ; but only as tending-to the magnifying of Gods mercy and patience, it will take pitty upon thetn,b though I might deffroy them, Fab the original' word is elfewhere taken.Thou (halt drive out the Ca ,apt fires though they have iron chariots &c. Secondly, to magnifie the Glory of his powerful pati- e,:ce,that being daily provoked,yet he bath power to be patient (iill.In ordinary ef}eennwhen an enemy is daily irritated,and yet comes nor to revenge his quarrell,we accompt it impotency & unprovifion,but in (;od hi qa. tience is his porvcr. When the people of Ífrael murmu- red upon the report ofgiants in the land, &would have tna?e a Captain to returne intò Eo- ypt,and havef}oned 9o/hua & Caleb fo that Gods wrath was ready to break out upon them,and to difinherirethern,t his was the ar- gument that Mores Wed to mediate for them, Let the Power of try Lord be great, according as thota-- heat1pokcn, The