Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Sinfidtlef% of Sinne. 275 The Lord is long- fuffering and ofgreat mercy. Thou haft filmed the Power of'thy mercy fromEypt until now, even fo pard on them f i11 If we could conceive God to hic owne juflice joyned with the impotency and impatiency of man, we could not conceive how the world should all this while have fubfiiled in the midi} of fuch mighty provocations. This is the only reafon why he doth not execute the fierceneffe of his wrath, and confume men,becaufe he isgod,and not man,not fub- Hof II +9, jec`l to the fame paflions,changes, impotencies as men Ma1.3:6 are.If a houfe be very weake and ruinous, and clogg'd with a fòre waight of heavy materials which preflè it down too, th re waft be fírength in the props that do hold it up ;even fo that patience of';od which upholds cit5.11. t. thefe ruinous tabernacles ofours,that are preflèd down with fuch a waight of iïn,a waight that lies heavy even upon Gods mercy it 1èlf,tnuft needs havemuch flrength and power in it. The fécond point from the Connexion is, That our `Death with Chrift unto /inne is a ftrong ar?isment againfit the raigne and power of finne in tu. Elk' we make the death of Chrift to vaine, for in his death he came with water and bloud, not only with bloud to jufiife our a Iohn S. 6, perfons,but with water to wafh away our fins. The Reafons hereof are, firft, Deadnefe Rróges dtfabi- liry to any filch workes as d id pertaine to that life unto which a man is dead. Such then as is the meafure of our death to fìnne, fuch is our difibility to fulfill the lads of it. Now though fin be not quite expir'd,yet it is with Chrift nail'd upon a croffe, They that are Chri.fts have ral, 534. cruct ftedthe flub with the affedcons and luft.c : fb that in a regenerate man it is no more able to do all. its ownwil, , than a crucified man is to walk up and down,and to do thole buinefl~s which he was wont to deliht in. He f Icahn 3,9 that is borne of God fnnet'v not,nei her can fin ,becauf e he ü borne of God,and ha feed abideth in him. 'r 2 Se-