1.76 Rom K.7. ?.i,4 Gal 5.1. Eph.z,i. Hcb 14. Phil io. John i7, Heb,6.6. Rom,6.9, 'O. ROM 7. 4. z Cor:f, ig. de ÿud:- ss4.cap,17: he Si r fulnef.fe of :7inne. Secondly, Deadnef e arguer di/a e'lion, A cn ndem- ned man care; not for the things of this World, be- caute he is lnLaw dead,and fo referv'd to an execution, and utterly divelled of any right in the things he was wont to delight in : the fight or remembrance of them duth but afflift him the more.A divorc'd man cares not for the things of his wife,becaufe in law the is dead un- to him, and he unto her, So fhculd it be with us and fin,becaufe we are dead with Chrift,therfore we fhould Phew it no affedi.on. . Third l y, Dcadne /se argues liberty ,unfubjellion, jufiifi- cation, H that is dead is fréedfromfsn, as the woman is from the husband alter death. And therefore being freed tl:us from fin we fhould not bring our felves in- to bondage againe,but Band Taft in the liberty where- with à.:hrit} hath'fet us free, and fin fhould appeare in our. eyes; as- it is in it'f:l`e a áe4d thing,_full'of noy fome- nefre,hortour,and hideous qualities. We therefore. fhould labour to}hew forth the power of the death of Chrif} in our. dying to finne ; for this is certain, we have no benefit by his fufferings.except we have fellowfhip in tt e,n, &wehave nomore fellowfhip, in them,then we can give proof of by our_dying dayly to finne ; Forhïs bloodcleanfeth from all 174. Let us not by raigning fin- Craci e Chrilt again, fOr he diath no more : In that he died, be died once unto pone; Death bath no: mare power over him,, to fhew t''at finne muff have no more power over us, but that being once dead to finne, we ihouid thencc`orth live unto him that died for us, There is a fkech in Tertulhan, which though proceeding fromNovaridnifine in.him,d oth yet in a mo- deratedandqualified fenfecarry- the frengthof the A. poftles argument in it, .Si poet fornicatio rncechia de- nuo admitti,poterit Chrigue denuo morì, If fornication and adultery may be againe committed by a man dead to fn in that raging and complete.manner as before, if raign-