Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Sinfulnefle of Sinne. raging firma after it bath been ejecied out of the Throne, and non to a Croílè, can returne to its totall and obi-OWN foveraignty as before, Chrift may dye a- gaine, for the finne of a Iuftified and regenerate man are Crucified upon his Croflc,and in his body. Now I proceed to the main thing in the Text,name- ly the Rezaß power of finne, It is an obfervation of Chry- fotsme and Theodoret on the Text, which though by fome re j eeted as too nice,I (hall yet make bold to com- mend for very pertinent and rationall.The A.poftle did not fay. (fay they)Let not fin*. 7yrannize,for that is fins Owne work; and not ours, as the Apoflle faith, Now then is it ne more I that do it, but finne that dwrlleth in me,all the fervice which is done to a tyrant is out of vi- olence,and not out of obedience : But he (ayes, Let it not raignein yo e,for to the raign ofa King the obedience of the Subje&s doth as it were Active y concurre(where- as the fubjeas are rather patients than agents in a ty- ranny.) So then in a '&aigning King there is a more So- vereign power than in a Tyrant; for a Tyrant bath on ly a Coa.Iive power over the perfons, but a King bath a fweet power over the wills and of felions of hie Subjells, they freely and heartily love his perfon, and rejoyce in his fervice ; which rule though it be not perpetual) in the letter,and incivili governements ; (for the unwil- lingnes of a people toferve a Prince-may not only arife from his tyranny, but even when he is jufc and mode - rate,from their owne rebellion) yet it is nioll generali and certaine in the Efate of finne which is never a King over rebellious fubjeas, who of themfelves reject its yoke and government. For the better difcovery then of the power of finne we muff note firft that there are but three ways after which finne may be in a man. Firff,as an OP-ping Tyrant ,ani feditious commotioner,either by furprizal invadirg,or, by violence holding under, or by projet scircumven T 3 tint' 277 Non digit ne7'y- rannidem exer- ceat,fed ne rag- nct. tlludenim eft propri- ,hoc vero no- /1 r,a mentis. Theodoret. Rom 7.20: gl -ra A-r%CYVç xcw- ti)/XVI (1.4 .SC i20 v 7i,r 7IDYlletd6 óJJ E' ubY73fs,úx fi71E NE9:YNH7UJ) 1171*cP41:YuyMS , Gw dvlicì ga- ?tTeVbTat.0 hry.