Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

27 8 Ve Si fulnee of Sinne. Rarsr7i4, IS. I King zl,2o Adam .vendidt re rimò,ac per hoc omneJemen /abjeL'tan es1 peccaLo. dimbro(. an Koma Rom,8.zo, Y'enund twin prima trarefgref-- fone.,4ug. con. s. ep.Pel.l.i, I01.443. 101.17.13» Luk.ra.:zs.. Rom 6.6. C,oi.3 s. Matti-116, I $. ting a man againfi his will, taking advantage of fome prefent diftemper of mind, or difficulty of efiate ; as in David of idleneffe, in Peter offeare and danger, or the like. And thus fin doth often incroach upon the Saints of God, and play the Tyrant, ufe them like Captives. that are fold under the power of (inne. It was thus a Ty- rant in Saint Paul; wecread of him that bee was fold under finne, and we read ofe4h46, that he was fold to finne ; but with great difference, the one re/6i himfelfe, and fo became willingly the fervant of finne, the other was fold by Adam, from which bondage he could not utterly extricate himfclfe, though he were in bondage to front, as the Creatures are to vanity, not willingly, but icy reafon of his aft that had fubjeded him long be- fore. Secondly, .As et 'lave, a Gi6conit, or Tributary Canaanite, as a fpoyled, mortified, crucified, dying,de- caying finne, like the horde of Saul growing weaker and weaker ; and thus fin isconfiantly in all the faith - full; while they are in the field the chaff( is about them. Thirdly, As a raging and commanding King, having a throne the heart, fervants the members, a r_oinfell, the ..vorld,fl:Ih,and Dwell, a compleat armory ofluf'ts and témptations,fortifications of ignorance,malice,rebelli- on,f efiliy reafonings,lawes and edic`ts,laf}ly a ftri& ju- dicarure,a wife and powerful rule over men,which the Scriptures call the gates of Hell. And ofthe `7''otrer of this Kin;- we are to fpeake. In a King there is a Twofold Power.. A Power to com- mand, and a Powc'r to make his commands be obeyed. Sin properly bath no power to command, becaufe the kingdoms of it is no way fubordinated to Gods King- dome over us,but (lands up againft it. And even in juft and annointed kings there is no power to command any thing contrary to that kingdom ofChrift to which they are equally with other fubje&s. But though finne have not a jufi power to command tht £t)ule,yct it hath that ..