The Sinfislrref e of ,Sinne. 279 that upon which that power, where it is, is grounded; namely a kind of Title and right over the foule. Sin is a fpirituall Death, and man by his firft fall did incurre a fabjeftion to every thingwhich may be called Death, fo that then a man did paffe into the poffetlìon offinne ; whence that phrafe fpokenof before,Tbon hail Eby 18.r I, foald thy felfe to we, ke evil!, Now 9asod ve iditesr tranfit in poteftatem ementis,when a thing is tonldit paffeth in- to the pofléllïon of that to which it is fold. This is the covenant or bargaine between a Sinner and Hell, Man purchafeth the pleafures and wages of finne, and finne takes the poffellìon of man ; pc.ífeflion of his nature in Originali fin,and poffetlion of his life in A tuall fin. The tryall ofthis title offinne, that we may difcerne . whether we are under it or no, muff be as other Titles are; we muff firft inquirewho they are,untowhofe right and polfeflion a man may belong, and then examine the Evidenceswhich either can make for himfelfe. To fin we know cloth appertains the primitive right of every natural! and lapfed man(for we are by mature the children I Cor ofwrath.) A purchafe then there muff come between; I,Pet.r; 0,19. before a man can paffe over into anorhers right ; this i purchafe was made by Chrift, who bought us with his blond :And the treaty in this purchafe was not between Chrift and fin, but between him and his Father , Thine Ioh. t 7.6.' they were, and thou gaveff them me, for the fall of Man could not nullifie Gods dominion nor right unto him; for when man ceafed to be Gods Servant,he then began to be his Prtfoner ; and though Sinne and Satan were in regard of' man Lords, yet they were in regard of God,butlaylors,to keep or part from hisPrifoners at his pleafure. Betides though Chrift got man by purchafe, yet Sin and Sathan loft him byforfeit fare ; for the prince of this world feized upon Chrift, in whom hee had r:1"4.3°1 a t. no right, (for he found nothing of his owne in him)did by omai dal qui that meaner forfeit his former right which he had in junta negat,Luc. T 4 men!