Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

: so The Si fulne fre of Sinne. Revd.?. 17. E(ày 56.5, Ca1.4 i9. Eph. Eph 1.14 4.30. Ko1n.S.i6, [ lohn 34,4. I Iohn 413. lobo 5.8.: [ Iohn 3.8. Mal.4. z. Cor z14. E )h:f.t.s7. t'et,; 19. T'it.L. 14 1 Cor..1.30. ) 0, [ Io'.n 5%10. men of the fame ;nature. We fee then, all the claime that can be made is either by Cbrifl., or Sinne ; by that f}rong man, or him that is fìron;er ; A man muf} h ave ev idences for Chrifi<,or elfe he belongs unto the power ofSivne.The evidences ofChriff are bis Name,his Seale, and his witne9'es. His Name,a new Name,a name bet- ter than of formes and daughters,even Chril formed in the heart,and his Law ingraven in the inner man,As it is fabled of Tgnatits, that there was found the Name of ferns written in his heart ; mull everyone of Gods Houfe be named by him with this new name, Of Him are all the families in Heaven and in Earth namea, The Seale of Chrifi is his Spirit, witnef ng untoand fecuring our fpirits that we belong unto him ; For be that h ath not the Spirit of (hriff,the fame is none if his, and by this 1 e ky10749 that he dttelleth in us, and we in him, becasfe bee bath given us of his Spirit, The witnefes of Chrif are three, The Spirit, the water, and Bloud. The Teftimo- ny of Adoption, Sealing the Fatherly care ofGod to our foules,faying to our foules that he is.our Salvation and Inheritance. The Teftimony ofluffifcation, our Faith in the bloud and price of Chrift, and the Tedimonyof San?ification in our being cleanfcd from dead workes, for he came to deffroj the worker of the Devil!, he'came with Refiners fire ,and with Fullers Pepe, and with healing under his wings ,that is(as I conccive)under the preach- ing of his Gofpell, which, as the bearnes of the Sunne, make mantfelt the favor cf him in every place, and by which he commeth and goeth abroad to thofe that are afar o f f,and to tbofe that are ,s1` It was the office of Ch rift as well to Purifi,c as to Redeeme,as wel to Sandifie as to juftifie us ; fo that if a man fay he belongs to Chrift, and yet bringeth not forth fruit unto God,but lives ftil married to his former lofts and is not cléanfed from his filthineffe, he makes God a lyar, becaufe he beleeveth not the Record which he gives of his Sonne; (for He wile;