The Sinfulneffeof Sinne. z8i will not have either a barren or an adulterous fpoufe) yet he putteth Chrift to ±name, as if he had undertaken more than he were able to performe : BeGJes, Chrif being a Light, a Starre, a Swine, never comes to the heart with air flfe- manifeliarion, filch evidence as can- not be gainfaid ; unto him belongs this roy ail preroga- tive, to be himf Ife the witnefle to his own Grace. And when the Papifis demand of us how we can ne lure that this Teftimony ofChrifts Grace and Spirit is not a falte witneflìè and delufion of Sathan we demand of them again,ifthe flea: can have this advantage to make filch Objections againft the unvaluable Comforts of Chrifls Grace, and the heart have nothing to reply ; If Chrift witnes, and no man can underfland it ; It the Spirit of Chrifl be a Comforter,& the Divell can com- fort every jot as well, and counterfeit his comforts to the quickc,and fo cozen and delude a man ; what is any man the hctter for anyfuch affartions ofScripture,where theSpirit is called theSpirit ofComfort,the ttrengthncr of the inner man,and the heart Paid to be ef±ablifhed by Grace ? Certainly the Comforts of the Spirit muff fall to the ground,if they bring not along a proper and d i- ftinet luare into the foule with them. And this Ambro- fus Catharinata himfelfe a learned Papift, a+nd as great a fchullar in the Trent Councel as any other,was bold to maintaine againft the contrary opinion of Domirictos Soto in a publike declaration, unto whom Bellarmine dares not adhere, though it be his cutlome to boat} of their unanimity in point of Doc4rine. Betides fin is of a quarrelling and litigious difpofition,it wil not eafily part from that which was once its owne, but will be ever rayfing fute s, difputing,arguing,wrangling with the Confcience for its old right ; Chrificame not to fend . peace,,butafword, perpetual! and unrecdncileable com bates and debates with the flefh of man. If a man hold peace with his lufts,& fet not his ftrength and his heart againft Efay 54.t. Kom.y.4. Ephef 5.z7. Heb,6.6. Luk, z.32,. Iohn 1.9. Nutnb.24 17. M al. 4,z. Nora Jumu.s certi Tcflimorririm 't- tud non eflc à Diabolo. Cornet .á Lapide in Rom.8.16. [oh.14.24 Ephef3.t6. HcF,.I 3.9. -:. r: