z 3 z , The Sinfu.'ne f fe of Sinne. againft th °m, I f they be not in a (late of rebellion, they ar e certainly in the throne. It is impoflìble for a King to rebell , becaufe he bath none above him ; and fu as Luk. t 1.24: long as luit is a King it is in peace,but whenChrift fub- Rvm.7. t ;, dues it and takes pofleflion of the heart,it wil prefently rife and rebell againft his kingdome. Here then is the triall of the Title. If a man cannot fhe w the evidences ofa new purchafe, the Spirit,the Bloud,the Watcr,the Sonnefhip, the Righteoufneffe, the Holync(fe,Conver- fation,and grace of ChrilI;If he be not in armes againft the remnants of loft in himfelfe, but live in peace and good contentment under the vigor & life of them, that man belongs yet unto the right offinne.For ira man be Chriffs,there will be Nova regalia extreamely oppofite to thofe of Pinne. if new heart for the Throne of the Spi- rit ; New members to bee the fervants of Rtgghteoufnefe; New Counfellors, namely the Lames of God ; A new Pa- noplie, the whole armour of god ; New lawes,The lath of the mind, and of the heart; A new Iudicature, even the government of the Spirit : Thoughts, Words, eflaions, Converfations,All e/ings'new as the Apof1le fpeekes, Now let us in the next place confider the power wher- !+y ftane makes its commands to be obeyed, wherein it is more ftrong and Eure than a Tyrant,who ruleth againft the will of his Subje&s. The particulars of this ftrength may be thus digefted. Firít fin bath much firength from it [elfe, and that in thefe regards. Fir(t, it is very wilfull, it is as it were all will. Therefore it is called in Scripture, The will of the flefh, and the Will of the Gentiles, and the will of ment And the wil is the feate of ftrength,efpecially fecing the will ofman, and the will offinne or the fleth are in the Scripture phrafe all one. Ifa man had one will,and fin, another, mans will drew one way,and finnes another,' peradventure his power to refìftmight be ftronger than finnes power to command : but when the will of finne iS Ezek.36.26,27. Eo!.3.5.It. Rom.6. 13. Pfal.[ 19.24. Eph.6.13. Rom.7. s3, Ier.3 r.33; Ioh. t 6. I t. Z COLT. 17. Eph.x:3. i r Pet 4.3. 1°4.1.13.