Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The aifulneffe of Sinne. z 3 is in the will of man as a bias in a bowle, as a flame in fmoke, as a weight or fpring to an engine, as fpirits in the body, to actuate and determine it to its own way: how can a man refill the will offin, who bath no other than a finfull will to refill by ? Secondly, as fin is wilfull,fo it is very pafonate and luftfll,which addeswings as it were to the commands of fin, The Apalle cals theta paf on s, and thcf wor- king paffions; when we were in the flefh,the motions of (inne did worke in our members. There is c7n ,5vur=1, and there are a Yi ti70-viie ,Luft and paffions of L4414which the Apof}le cals vile tufts, and burning lints, and a ffeEli -- ons and lofts, that is, very luflfull lofts, Luft is in the befl,but theft violent paffions and ardencies of lull are íhrewd fytnptomes of the raigne offinne.To be fierce, implacable, head- ftrong, like the Horfe in the battaile, and t hat not upon extraordinary difte mper or- furpri- zall(as 9onab and Afa were) but habitually,fo as on any occafion to difcover it,is by the Apoftle put in amongft the Characters of thofe that deny the Power ofGodli- neffe. For fin mull not hold its power where Godli- nefle bath any. Thirdly, it hath Lawes and Edii7s, hill ofwifdotne: and cunning,cdg'd & temper'd with many encourage- ments and provocations to thofe that obey, which (as I laid before )the Scripture cals the Wages of finne,and pleafures of fm, by which Balaam was enticed to curie Gods people. A Law is nothing elfe buta ruleor prin- ciple of workingwhich orders & moderates the courfe ofa mans life ; And fofinne bath a way to carry men in and Principles to governemen by, which Saint Paul cals Seculum the courfeofthe world. Such as are Rules of Example,Cuftome,good intentions,Gods mercy ta- ken by halfes;without refpect to anyconditions which it brings with it,the common frailty ofour nature,that we are, and that the bell have their infirmities, diflin&ions, Rom.7.5. t Thef.: ;5 Roth. I. 2.6,17. Gal.ç.ag. [ena.4. 9, n Chro.[6, io. Tim.3.3,,5> fzeb.tI.zg. z Pe-.z.1%., CFhe; k: ,.