i. 84 \ The Sinfulne f fe of Sinne. tam: i. 14. Deut.4.i9. Dcut.t g. 51 Luke ti.ta. . COT. ,o.40% difliNt&ions,evafions, juflifications,extenuations,parti- all (ìrictneffe in Tome particulars, the opus operataam, or meere doing ofduties required, and many like, molt of which things I hay e fpokcn of more largely heretofore upon another Scripture. Fourthly,it is full offlattery to entice and woe a man, cunning to obferve all the beft feafons to furprize the foule.And_though enticements be bafe,yet they arevery flrong,like a gentle fhowre or a loft fire they fink; and get in doter than if they fhould be more violent. That which is as loft as eyle in t he touch, may be as (harp as (words in the operation.And therefore as a man is faid in one place to be enticed by lull, fo elfewhere he is laid to be driven and thruft on by lufl. Take heed toy our [elves left you corrupt ycur [ elves, left thou lift up thine ejes to Heaven, and whets thou 'cell the Sunne, andthe cilloone,and the Stars, fhouldft be driven to worJhip them and ferve them. The Objects themfelves have no co- active or compulforypower in them(forthey work but asOhjeèls,which is the weakeflway of working that is, for Objects are never totali Agents, but only partiall, they do never any more then cooperate with tome fa- culty and power unto which they are futeable)yet fuch is the flrength ofthofe lulls which are apt to kindle by j thofe Objects,that a man is laid to be driven to idolatry by them.All which falle prophets can d o is but morall and by way of cunning and feducemenr, yet fuch is the flrength ofthofe lulls which they flatter and work up- on by their impoflures, that they are laid torhruft a man out of the way which the Lord commanded him to' walke in. For as we Life to fay of the requefls of a King, fo we may of the flatteries and allurements offin, That they do amount unto commands. In one word,fin is throughly furnifh'd with all forts of Armour, both for defence and oppofition,all flrong holds, all reafonings and imaginations, and thoughts which