The Sinfuln . ße of Sinne. 2. 83 which can be contriv'd to 1 cure it f.lfe ; and therefore no marvel if it have much flrength from it felte. Secondly, it bath much flrength from Satan and the wo- ld,which are the count fliers and aides of fin, which bring in cunt }ant fupplies and provifions unto it. filer- ' fore lulls are Paid to be oftheWoYld,and to be earthly and i divelliJh, becaufe the world and the divell fupply them i with confiant fuel. But laftly and principally lull hath much Ilrength in andfromur. Firff, becaufe they arenaturall unto us. A mans f Nne is himfelfe,it is call'd by the name of our ]Old man.And therefore to be ]carnal, and to wake as man; to live after the lulls of thefie b, and after the lofts of men are all one. To e live to finne, in one place is to d live to our (elves in another. To e crucifie flcfh y of ertions in z I'ez ; :. one place, is fro mortifie our earthly members in ano- Ì e Ron: 6.2. ther. To g deny ungodlinefe and worldly lofes in one d Cor.5.15 place, is to h deny our [does in another. To a lay afide e Ga' s:24. the finne that duth fo eafily befit us in one place, is to 0,01'3.S. kraft away our right eye, and our right hand in another, , gh ac h: X 2. 6.2 . And therefore the wages of (inne are c.ll'd lour owne' 4 r Ioh.z.t6. Rotn.6.6. Eph 4 Lz. Col.s.9. b i Cor. ;.3. I ha r. 13. ' zb.12.t wayes,and the tufts of the flell m ootr own lufts,and being r Mars. 2.9.3o: our own. we love and cherifh them. ° No man ever ha- ' h t }.r_.16. ted his owne fdefh, neither can any man by nature hate his 'n lain I. "4 own luftr, unto which he is as truly laid to be ° married i on io n 28''29' as the Church i3 to Chrifl, and this laves much to fet '4'9 forth the power of f n.For the lóve o the fizbjea is the ftrength of the Soveraign; a king Thal then certainly be obeyed,when he commands fuel things as it were diffi- cult for him to prohibite.Secondly,lufl ha'h from usrrc- pansto let forward its flrength,the heart a forge to con- trive ,and members infruments to execute, the heart a womb to conceive, &the members midwives to bring forth lulls into a `l. L.,''.ly,finne mull be very flrong in us becaufe we are-by nature f / of it. So the Apoftle flies Of natural men, that they were filled with all unri¢hte-