Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

1-10t.9.17. I'121.66.18. Hoc 4.8. Mic.: r . 'Ezek,3';.3 T. korn.6.t9 zo, Etay S; i 8. 7'he Sinfu,'nefe of Shine. oufnefse,and full of envy,de6ate,deceite,&c, and S. Teter, j that they have E,effull of eAdreltery, that cannot ceaf from tin.Nlow where there is All of a firong thing that must needs be exceeding fronz.Ifall the foure windes tlìculd meet togetherin their full flrength,what moun- tains would they not root up by the foundation ?What a mighty rage and firength is there in the fea, only be cattle it is full of waters,and All water belongs unto it? Who is able to Tooke upon the Sunne, or endure the brightneffe of that glorious Creature, only becaufe it is Full oflight ? the fäine reafon is in fleshly lufts,thcy are very ftrong in us,becaufe our nature is full of th.em,and becaufe all theirfubeef a is in our nature. Now this ftrengthwhich is thus made up off() many ingredients, ,loth further a ppeare inrthe Effeffs of F which are thefe Three, all compriLd in the general'. ofObe,inn it in theLufis therof, which denotes 4 full anduncontroledPower in fin. Fin i, the fomenting,enter- tallinn cherifhtng flffI, shaping o it, delighting in it, contenting to it ; when a man loth joine-himf lfto fin, and fettle hitnfelfupon it,& fit his heart to it, &refpea it in his hearr,and study & confu1tit,& relolcv.upon it. econ lv,executing ofit,& bringing into aft the fugge- (lions of the fie(h thus conceived,ycelding to the cotn- msnds,drudging in the fervice, drawing iniquity with cords and cartropes,refigning both heart &hand to the obedience offn,Thirdly,Finif ing it,gc,ing on without wearines or murmaring,without repentingorrepining in the waies of Luff,running in one confiant chanel,ti like the waters of Iordan the foule drop into the dead lake. All thefe three Saint lames hath put together to anew the gradaticns, and the danger of fleshly Lu(ls. Every man is tempted, When he is drstmne allay of his .ovne Lulls and enticed ; Lufi when it bath Conceived bringeth forth finne, and fnne when it is fanifhed bringeth forth Death, Firft, there is the Suageftion, Luff draweth a- Way