The Si,ifirine fe of Sinne. 287 way and enticeth. Secondly,the Conception and forma - tion,in the delight and content of the will.Thirdly, the Execution,ánd bringing into ad.Fourthly,the Conlrsm- oration and accomplilhment of Lust, filling up the mea- lure, going on unweariedly to the la( }, till there is no hope, and fo abufing the patience and long fuf ring of God unto deftruftion. Sinne grówes tili it be ripe for the (laughter ; now if men in the interim cut oft their fins,and turne to l od befòre the decree be fealed,before he fir up all his w rath,and will fuff r his' pirit no lon- ger to frive,ifthey confecrate that title time &Rrength they have left to Gods Service,then the kingdom of fin is pull'd downe in them.To this purpofe is the Counfel I of Daniel to Nebuchadnezar;That he Jhould breal`e offhis Dan.4.27. (innes by righteorfnefse, and his iniquities by %leaving mercy to thepoore;that is,he fhould relinquiEh thofe fins which were mot} predominant in him; his injullice & oppref fion,and tyranny againft poore men(thus maul preach- ed ofrighteoufheífe,and temperance,and judgement to come,to Felix a corrupt and lafciv ions Governor(& by thar [manes h s tranquillity fhould be lengthened, not by way ofinerit(for a theefe deferves nc. pardon,becaufe he gives over flealing)but by way of mercy andfavour. Hitherto I have but Chewed that fin is a firong king. But this is not enough to drive men to Chrif (whichis my principali {cope.) It is further required that men be Convinc'aa of being under this power of fin. The firíl Late then which I fhall chew you may be made of this Do- eIrine is for (anvil-lion and tryall of the raigne of fin in our felves; for the more diflin6l expediting whereof fhall prrpofe there three cafes to be re(o!ved. Firft whe Cher fin may raigne:in a regenerate man fo, as that this power and kingdoine offin fhall confìft with the nigh - teoufiaeffe of (Thrift ? Secondly, How wicked men may be Couainc'd t hat fìnne raignes in them, and what dif- ferenc there is betweene the power of thine in them,, and,