Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

z88 Aft.z6.t8 Col,t.t3r Rorn.6.i4. t eor.t5.56. t Iohn.3 9. the Sir-fulaße of ifm:-7. and in the regenerate? Thirdly,why every fin doth not saigne in ever ytinregenetate mar. ? For the ñrft oft! hefe,we nufr remember in the gene - rail, that finne doth then raigne when a man doth obey it in the lulls thereof, when he doth yeeld up himfelfe to execute all the commands of finne, when he is held under the power of Sat han, and of'darkenefle.And for the re- generate, we muff likewif note what Saint Pau!, and Saint John have fpoken in generali o this point. Sinne hall not have dominion over you, f -r you are not under the Lary but under Grace, (aith Saint Paul, when a man is delivered from the obligations of the law,he is then de- livered'from the firength of finne ; (for the f ren th of finne is the Law ) And he that is borre of God linnet'h not, neither can finne, faith Saint John, that is, cannot obey fin in all the lulls and commands thereof, as a fervant to finne, from which fervice he hath ceakd by being borne of God ( for no man can bee Gods Sonne ano finnes fervant: )for we are to diftinguifh between doing the whrke of finne, and obeying finie the lofts thereof. As a man may do divine workes, and yet not ever in obedience to God, fo a man may be fobj:°d as a Cap- tive r in this or that particular tyranny of Pinne, who is not obedient as a fervant to all the governement of fin, for that takes in the whole will, and an Adequate fob - miflion therofto the peaceable and uncontroll'd power of finne. Let us then enquire how farre the power of finne may difcover it Hie in the mcii regenera;e,Firfi, the belt have flefh about them,and that flefh where ever it is worketh,and rebe'leth againft the Spirit of Chrift, fo that they cannot do the things which they mould. Se- condly, this ficha is of it felfe indif :rent to great firmes as well as tofmall, and therefore by tome firong temp- tation itmay prevaile to carry theSaints unto great fins as it did David, Peter, and others. Thirdly,tlis flefh is as much in the will as in any other part of regenerate then,{