Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Jnfislneffe of Sinne. z89 f men, and therefore when they commit great Pinnes, they may commit them with confent,delight,and willingnefte of heart. Fourthly,this fleas is in their mcmbers as well as in their wills, and therefore they may actuate, and exe- cute chafe wills of fin which they have contented unto. Fifthly, we confeffe that by thefe f ones thus committed, the Confcience of a regenerate man is wafted and woun- ded, and overcome by the power of finne, and fuck a particular grievous Guilt contra &ed, as mutt firít bee waffled away by Tome particular repentance, before that man can bee againe qualified to take aduall poffeflion of his inheritance, or to be admitted unto glory. In which cafe that of the Apoftle is moft certain,that the very righ- teous ¡ball fcarcely bee Paved. For wee are to note that as force things may indifpofe a man for the prefent ufe, or difpotfeífe him of the Comforts and Emoluments, which yet are not valid enough to deveft him of the whole right and Bate in a living : fo fome fumes may bee of fo heavie a nature as may unqualifie a man for an aetuall admittance into Heaven, or poffeffon of glory, which yet doe not nullifie his Faith,nor extinguifh his Title and interett unto ir. Thus wee fee that finnemay in the mot holy have great power ; the examples whereof are all written for our learning, to teach us what is indeed within us, how circumfpec`tly wee tlrould walke, how watchfull over our hearts, how ftedfaft in our Covenant, left wee fall after the example of thofè men, and fo breake our bones as David did. For one greatfinne,pre- fümptuoufly committed, will bring either fuch a hard- neffe of `heart, as.wi11 make thee live in a wretched f ecu- rity.and neg1e l of thy fervice, and peace with God' Or fuçh a wofull experience of his wrath and heavie diíplea- Cure againft fin, as will even bruife thy Confcience, and burne up thy bowels, and make thee go drooping and dif confolate it may be all thy dayes: But .yet,. though fin may thus farre proceede againft V a rege- r Pet. 4.18.