Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

,.4dmod<tm p. è mpre po no- cîiffîmè contro- ves f zm banc expedivit pla- y ffirnæ memo- riæ prtfisl Ro- be-rtus Ab'vos Ep f opus Sarif- batriengs. íni- mad. in Thom- foni diatrib.c. Z s ;s. le fn f ìdnefTe of Sinne. 4 regenerate man, all this doth not amount to a compleate raigne. Though finne may have a vié}ory in the faithful! and that even over their wills, yet it hash not a kingdome, which imports a compleate and univerfaÍl refignation of the whole will and man to the obedience of it. It is one thing to have the whole content of the will unto fome one finne ffollen away by force particular temptation ; and another, to be wholly add ia ed and devoted to the waies of finne, to have the whole heart univerlally married to Lu(1, and filled with Sathan, whereby it bringeth forth fruit unto death. Into the former of theft we grant the faithfull may fall, (and yet even in that cafe, the feed of God which abideth in them, though it did not operate to prevent finne, will yet undoubtedly ferve to supply repentance in due time ; and though Confent went be. fore to conceive finne, yet it fhall not follow after to al- low it being committed ; but they review their fin with much hatred, and felfe- difplacencie, with affniUion of fpiri humiliation of heart,admiration of Gods patience and tòrbearance, with renewing their Covenant, with Complaints and heavie bewail ngs of their owne fro wardnef e, with a filiali mourning for their ingratitude and undutifulnefle unto God.) But that a regenerate man fhould totally addia himfelfe to the wayes of fin is repugnant to the Scripture, and extremely contrary to that Throne which Chrift in the heart of fuch a man. For the fecond Cafe, how unregenerate men may be convinc'd that finne Both raigne in them, wee muff obferve that the complete raigne of finne, denotes two things. Firft, that flrength,power, Soveraignty, and do- minion of fin, which bath beene already opened. Se- condly, A peaceable, uncontrolled, willing, univerfall fubjeuion of all the members unto the obedience of that King. Now to meafure the unregenerate by this Adequate Rule,