Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The /inf ulnefe Sinne. Rule, we muff know, that they firfí are of feverall fort s and i ampes. Some are apparently and in co4et ru ho- minum outragious (inners, upon whom every man that fees them, and is tneli acquainted with the trade and courfe of finne which they live in, may without breach of Charity paffe this fentence, there goes a man who de- lclares himfelfe in the eyes of the World to bee a fervanc Iof finne ; (I fpeake not this for liberty of ceniuring, but for evidence and eafineffe of difcerningonely.) Every 'man that thinkesitbafeneilfe and below thel}raine of his lfpirit to tremble at Gods Word, to feare judgements a- gainfl finne denounced, who with a prefumptuous and high hand rejeas the warnings which God fendshim, who in his pra6ice and finf ill conformities makes more account of the courte of the World, than of the curfe of God ; of the fafhions of men, than of the will of the Spi-{ rit , of the eftimation of' men, than of the opinion of 1 Chriff : and fuck is every one that allowes himfelfe in the fame exceffe of rage and riot, of fwearing, fwaggering and uncleannefle with his divelifh of ociates, in the name and authority of the Lord lefttt, I pronounce that man a to bee a fervant of fin : and if bee continue fins fervant, hee {hall undoubtedly have tins wages; The wages of fin is Death, even the everlafling vengeance and wrath to come; and if bee defpife that warning, the word which I have spoken {hall rife againft him at the laft day. Others there are of a more calme,civil,compofed courfe, men much wifer, but not a dramme holy er than thole be- fore. Aad here mainely flickes the inquiry,and that upon Three exceptions, will which they may feeme to evade, and shift of this paver of fin. Fi: if, in thofe men there appeareth not fo foveraigne and abf,,lu,e a dominion of fin as bath beene fpoken of, in as much as they fe .me to live in faire external' confor- i iitie to the truths which they have learned. To which I V 2 an-